$1,500 Annual Students’ Presentation Crafting Scholarship

IvyPanda.com provides $1500 in scholarships annually for talented students who demonstrate mastery of presentation crafting. Scholarships will be awarded to two winners: the winner will receive $1,000; the runner-up prize is $500.


We will accept submissions from current high school, college, or university students from any country. The winners will be required to send us proof of their academic status or enrollment.

Submission requirements

  • Create a visually engaging presentation on one of the following topics:

    • Research on origins and outcomes of top tendencies and/or struggles in your university.
    • What keeps you inspired throughout your studies? How can your approach to studying help others?
    • If you could compare your university life to a sitcom or a TV-show, what would it be?

    Your presentation must:

    • Have 4-6 slides (excluding title and works cited slides).
    • Be written in the US or UK English.
    • Be 100% plagiarism-free and human-written.
    • Be submitted in .pptx format (check our template).
    • Follow the 5x5 or 6x6 rule for the slides. Additionally, each slide is to have speaker notes of around 100 - 150 words. The text in notes is to be coherent and smooth while the whole presentation is to have intro, body, and conclusion parts.
    • Have visually appealing and clear slides. Visuals used are to contribute to the understating of the topic.
    • Follow MLA style and have proper analysis and citation of the sources. At least 3 sources are to be used (no more than 6). You are to show that you can integrate research in your writing which means all citations are to be in line and organically enrich your writing.
    • Be named [IvyPanda Writing Contest_Last Name]. For example, IvyPanda Writing Contest_Smith.pptx.
  • Follow our X or Instagram; like and share the post with the contest description pinned on our social media pages.
  • Send us an email at [email protected] with “IvyPanda Writing Contest Submission” as the subject line and the following content inside (in this particular order):
    • Direct link to your presentation in Google Slides
    • Your proof of enrollment
    • The screenshot proving that you followed our social media
    • The screenshot of the post with the contest description shared on your social media
    • The answer to the question: “Where did you find out about the IvyPanda Contest?”

Each participant may submit only one presentation and win just one award.


All submitted works will be evaluated by a team of highly qualified writers and editors based on the following criteria:

  • Content, Ideas, and Research (20)
  • Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling (20)
  • Language and Style (20)
  • Organization and Visual Appeal (20)
  • Referencing Format (20)

The winners will be determined based on our editors’ team evaluation.

The best presentations will be published on the IvyPanda blog.


Winners will be announced on this page as well as on the IvyPanda blog.

To receive their awards, the winners must provide proof of enrollment or study. If they cannot or will not provide this confirmation, the award will be given to the next appropriate participant in line.

Frequently asked questions!

I sent my essay but didn't get a response. How can I make sure you received my submission?
If you experience a delay in response to your submission, it is likely due to the large number of submissions we have received. We recommend you wait a few days before emailing us again at [email protected].
I missed the deadline! When can I apply again?!
The Essay Contest is annual. Next year's important dates will be updated on this page within a couple of weeks of the announcement of this year's winners. You can apply to our Annual Video Contest here: https://ivypanda.com/scholarship-video. Make sure to follow us on social media so you don't miss any announcements!
What is considered proof of academic enrollment?
You can find the list of acceptable documents here: https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/help/proof-of-enrollment
Can I request details regarding the evaluation of my submission (mistakes, number of points, etc.)?
Please email us at [email protected]. However, please note that the evaluation team is dealing with a large number of submissions, so it may take us some time to get back to you.
Can I apply again if I participated last year? What about winners of previous contests?
Yes and Yes. You are very welcome to participate again!
Do the essay prompts stay the same each contest?
No, we update the topics every year.

Disclaimer: By submitting your application, you confirm that you understand the Contest rules and criteria and agree to accept the decision of the judges. You agree to allow us to edit, upload for public access, share, and use your essay in other ways at our discretion.