Evaluating Sources

by IvyPanda®
3 mins

This list of recommendations offers a universal scheme for evaluating academic resources and can be applied for various types of works, regardless of their scope, length, and degree of complexity.

Choosing relevant academic materials is an important stage in any research endeavor, and correctly assessing available sources is key to high-quality, productive activities. When analyzing literature, it is essential to follow a number of rules useful in writing various types of essays, proposals, assessment papers, and other works. The importance of this procedure lies in the fact that correctly selected academic materials impart authenticity to a paper and provide a reliable rationale, which is particularly relevant in writing scholarly texts. In order to choose sources wisely, the following procedure may help eliminate errors while finding the most suitable information.

Tips on Evaluating Academic Sources

In evaluating academic sources, take certain criteria into account, considering such assessment factors as information about the publication, content features, compliance with the stated topic, and potential author bias. At each of the stages, it is important to determine whether a particular source is appropriate for the intended topic. Each step in this process of analysis is significant in terms of obtaining accurate information.

Assessing a Source Publication

In order to evaluate a particular source’s publication details, take into account the following information:

  • Authors’ background. This information can be of significant benefit if the work represents a specific scientific area. An author or a group of authors having appropriate qualifications and scholarly degrees may underline the reliability of the facts presented.
  • Publication date. Academic materials published too long ago can lose their relevance, especially when they contain statistics. Recent publications, in contrast, indicate the freshness of the study data.
  • Publishers and editions. The scientific value of reputable publishers’ works, as a rule, is high. In addition, noting the edition number may be important; for example, different information may be contained in anthologies.
  • Sources’ titles. This factor allows determining the purpose of a particular work and can give an idea of the type of research—systematic review, correlational study, or some other variety.

Assessing Content

Evaluating content means assessing the purpose of a particular work, applying one or more of the following criteria:

  • Target audience and objectives. The topic may pertain to certain population groups and represent goals to be achieved through the work done.
  • The presence of a reasonable basis. A study having relevant references promises high scientific value.
  • The subject of work. To select an appropriate academic source, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the topic and its scope.
  • The style of writing. The organization of a work can reflect the author’s’ professionalism and qualifications, and the logical nature of the narrative, along with the use of relevant facts, testifies to the quality of such a study.

Assessing Compliance

The relevance and quality of the content of publications are not the only critical factors in assessing sources since compliance with the proposed topic is also an essential criterion. Thus, consider the following nuances:

  • The coverage of the entire stated topic. A specific resource may contain much information, but if it does not answer the research questions, it is not relevant.
  • Compliance with the type of work. In conducting serious scientific research, blog or newspaper articles and other unreliable sources are unacceptable (unless required by the nature of research).
  • Proper use of quotes. Randomly inserted references may indicate insufficient analysis of available resources.
  • Compliance with the nature of the study. If a certain work is of a specific type—for example, a quantitative study—results are to be presented in a numeric format; otherwise, a mismatch to the task arises.

Identifying Potential Author Bias

Notwithstanding their scientific value, resources may contain author bias. Thus, consider the following nuances:

  • The absence of citations. All significant facts, including information in figures, should be supported by quotes.
  • Limitations. Authors sometimes pay much attention to one issue, neglecting other significant aspects of their analyzed topic.
  • Statistical bias. Incorrect calculations, illogically selected sample sizes, and other similar problems reduce the credibility of a certain resource.
  • Personal bias. Personal opinions should be avoided, especially if they are accompanied by vivid emotional judgments.


The recommendations included in this guide can be useful in assessing resources and choosing reliable materials for writing academic texts. Such criteria as publication data, content features, compliance with the stated topic, and potential author bias should be taken into account when analyzing the credibility of sources. Following the tips on the correct selection of relevant literature will be helpful in creating high-quality works of significant academic value.
