The problem of people who lost their homes is acute in the US. Devastating hurricanes and state economic policy usually cause it. Therefore, many educated people used to a civilized lifestyle are left homeless. The lockdown caused by COVID-19 exacerbated this situation, leaving thousands of people without work and livelihoods. Therefore, I plan to participate as a volunteer in the distribution of hot meals, when the opportunity presents itself. This experience will help me understand what is happening in our society and enrich me emotionally, inspiring other actions not aimed at satisfying my ego. For example, I can also buy “hanging coffee” to brighten up the day for someone every day.
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We live in a society where selfishness is not condemned and sometimes even encouraged. It is because, in this way, corporations stimulate our consumeristic behavior to gain more profits. However, Aristotle (2000) notes that the kindness shown to others is a virtue, proving that our mental state is in balance. Moreover, according to the philosopher, acts of kindness enrich a person and fill their life with meaning, and therefore are valuable (Aristotle, 2000). Here is a good example: a friend of mine once spontaneously began to take care of homeless pets. Initially, she wrote a report on this topic, in the preparation of which she visited the shelter and was upset to tears about how depressing the life of animals is.
Therefore, she began to buy medicine for animals from the shelter and then took several kittens ‘to overexposure.’ She was happy to do so even though she needed to treat these cute animals from various diseases like tetter, fleas, or injuries. Then she gave them – clean and healthy – ‘to good hands.’ It seems to me that this example illustrates the person’s desire for good deeds, regardless of whether they bring immediate benefits.
According to John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarian theory, actions must be evaluated in the context of their consequences, with even the most brutal actions being justified. I’m afraid I have to disagree with this because some things cannot be changed after we learn about the consequences. For example, in most countries, the death penalty has long been abolished because death cannot be canceled after new circumstances of the case unexpectedly open, and the criminal is excused.
Aristotle. (2000). Nicomachean ethics. (Irwin, T., Trans., 2nd ed.). Hackett Publishing Company.