Sociology is very important science which helps to understand who you are and to create our relationship with one another. All classical theories are significant for the personal development. Studying sociological theories, we can find different perspectives. The use of sociological tools can help us to build our relations with different groups of people. We can find the sociological patterns everywhere around us. When I asked myself what I can do with this knowledge, I understood that sociology gives us an explanation of the various phenomena such as human believes, values and behaviors. It is obviously that, studying sociology, we should think about the importance of this information and how the use of this knowledge can help us in the regulation of social conflicts.
Usually, we take for granted so many ideas and explanations which the public opinion offers us. However, the process of the reflection is very important. Sociological theories helped me to create more skeptical and critical attitude of perception. Besides, studying sociology, I augmented my background. Sociological theories helped me to understand a value of the theory for the practical development of the society.
According to the Kolb Model, the learning cycle consists in grasping and transforming experience (Kolb, 1976, p. 45). The sociologist insists upon the idea of the cycle which involves the observation and experience of the concrete phenomena, the creation of its abstract concept and the use of it in new situation (Kolb, 1976, p. 23). While studying, we should think about an importance of this information for our perception of the world.
The perspective as a simple way of looking at the world, explains every phenomenon which life provides (Ashley, 1998, p. 10). All theories are the efforts to create more clear and logical interpretation of the social issues. Nevertheless, sociology requires an imagination and the process of thinking.
The structural-functionalist idea of Emile Durkheim and Talcott Parsons describes our society as the system of interrelated parts which maintains the social balance in the world (Ritzer, 2010, p. 42). The classic works of Karl Marx describe the social conflict between different communities which based on the power and resources. Many sociologists such as Max Weber, Erving Goffman, and Georg Simmel see the nature of human behavior as a result of social influence (Ritzer, 2010, p. 112). This idea sets thinking about the importance of personal experience and deliberation.
Sociology provides the abilities to identify and solve many problems. It helps to build your own strategy and model of behavior. Some sociological tools can be used in the job application, market research, even in the relationships. I understood that, instead of blaming, we better try to comprehend the situation and to find a solution. Sociology can help use our individuality improving the social behavior. Our world needs the peaceful solutions of the social conflicts. The approach of sociological tools can help to improve the tolerance and respect of different cultural values.
Today, we live in the world of complex and multilevel human relationships. Obviously, the study of sociology helps to understand the social phenomena and, moreover, to develop new solutions of the problems. Our life is a laboratory which produces new issues every day. Sociology gives us a key to understanding the value of cultural background within the multicultural society. This understanding is an important step to prevent the cross-cultural problems. Many sociological views can be the effective tools in the problems solution.
Reference List
- Ashley, D. (1998). Sociological Theory – Classical Statements. Fifth edition. Massachusetts: Needham Heights.
- Kolb, D. A. (1976). The Learning Style Inventory: Technical Manual, Boston, Ma.: McBer.
- Ritzer, G. (2010). Classical Sociological Theory. Six Edition. US: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.