In its widely watched film titled Inside Out, Pixar demonstrates the science of memory and emotion. The movie employs the character of Riley, a young girl full of the blast while growing up in Minnesota to describe her subsequent struggles managing a family relocation to San Francisco. The documentary illustrates how the memory of previous events evokes strong feelings. Most people have past occasions that arouse fondest remembrances.
Riley makes me recall one of the best moments in my early teenage years when we visited a family friend called John in his Florida ranch. During a short stint in Florida with my sister, we quickly had charming friends, played beach volleyball coupled with some horse rides in the evening. Moreover, Mr. John gave us a ball as a souvenir. The kind and warm reception alongside other outdoor activities during that visitation continuously linger in my recollection.
The events relate to Riley’s life, who while staying in Minnesota developed great companions and become a celebrated hockey player. However, the move to a new city ruins everything, making her find difficulty in adjusting. She is confounded by the family’s decision, and in reply, her emotions become confused. From the animation, it is evident that the mind does not easily remove old information. Just like Riley, my earlier actions take time to fade. Inside Out paints how such sensations as sadness, anger, and fear make individuals uncomfortable. The film brilliantly shows the complexity of the human mind regarding memory and emotions. Riley’s action recounts on a personal level, which induces the warmest reminiscence of previous happenings.
Docter, P., & Carmen, R.D. (2015). Inside out [Film]. Disney.