Sociology of Film “Escape from Alcatraz” by Siegel Essay

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Prisoners, be it in any prison or any cell in any part of the globe, it is an inbuilt tendency of theirs to try every bit of their energy to run away from their place of confinement. The same happens in movies, portraying the original actions committed by the prisoners.

They may decide to flee due to their notorious behavior or maybe due to the challenges thrown by the guards and the warden. The same situation or maybe a slightly different attitude of the caretakers had urged the prisoners of the Alcatraz prison, to decide to run away. In the movie, “Escape from Alcatraz”, one of the main protagonists, Clint Eastwood, along with some other inmates, makes a plan to break free from the highly guarded Alcatraz prison. The question whether they were justified in breaking free from the prison is debatable. When the warden informs him that no one has successful escaped from Alcatraz, Morris takes it as a personal challenge.

Some inmates were locked up for no plausible reason, while some others were victims of racial discrimination. Hence, there was no reason why they would keep sticking to the dilapidated prison building. Their action of breaking free was, according to me, justified.

On the other hand, talking of the guards and the wardens, they were not cruel to the inmates in any case, but their behavior can be termed as a bit petty. The warden and guards are pettier than brutal. The prison itself was pretty tolerable. This true story of escape from Alcatraz surely proves that a bunch of inmates did succeed in breaking free from the prison. The future is for us to decide whether they succeeded in swimming through the waters and reach the land.

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IvyPanda. (2021, October 11). Sociology of Film "Escape from Alcatraz" by Siegel.

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"Sociology of Film "Escape from Alcatraz" by Siegel." IvyPanda, 11 Oct. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Sociology of Film "Escape from Alcatraz" by Siegel'. 11 October.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Sociology of Film "Escape from Alcatraz" by Siegel." October 11, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Sociology of Film "Escape from Alcatraz" by Siegel." October 11, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Sociology of Film "Escape from Alcatraz" by Siegel." October 11, 2021.

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