87 Paradise Lost Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Paradise Lost Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Concept of Free Will in “Paradise Lost” by John Milton
    All these kind of punishments provokes the image in the readers’ mind that God has done what he warned to Adam and Eve.
  2. Christian Religion Theme in “Paradise Lost” by John Milton
    The review of Book 1 of the poem will highlight the age of the poem. The mentioning of the pagan deities in the Bible, particularly in the Old Testament is likened by the poet to […]
  3. John Milton’s “Paradise Lost” and Christopher Marlow’s “Dr. Faustus”: Comparative Analysis
    In Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’, the image of hell is clearly visible during the depiction of Satan’s fall and also Adam and Eve’s fall and the epic concerns the Judo-Christian legend of the fall of men; […]
  4. Allegory in the “Paradise Lost” by John Milton
    The poem is a rendition of the fall of man as written in the Bible The author’s purpose, as stated in the book, is to expound on the conflict between man and God.
  5. Frankenstein: Influences of “The Prometheus” and “Paradise Lost”
    This is echoed in the novel, as Victor Frankenstein is said to create life against the laws of nature and is punished for it.
  6. Satan in “Paradise Lost” – Milton’s Epic Poem
    Making Satan the main antagonist of the poem, Milton shows the inner struggle in the character’s soul and the process of his devolution, depicting him as a fallen angel gradually transforming into a devil.
  7. Satan in Dante’s “Devine Comedy” and Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
    The primary thesis of the work is that both authors use the image of Satan to show the ideological, literary, and historical contradictions between good and evil.
  8. Symbols in Marlowe’s “Faustus” and Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
    The purpose of the paper is to compare the use of symbolic roles of blood in the former and the wreath as the symbol of love and admiration in the latter.
  9. Analysis of King Lear and Paradise Lost
    One son in particular, Edmund, allows the pain of being born a bastard and the rejection of his father to skew his view of the world and the intentions of his ambition.
  10. Argument Paper on Milton’s Paradise Lost
    When the devil came to tempt Adam and Eve, God knew that they would fall to the temptations because they had the free will to make their decisions.
  11. “Paradise Lost” by John Milton and “The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus” by Christopher Marlowe
    Nowadays, it is only the handful of uneducated Christian fundamentalists, who continue to refer to the Bible as the actual “word of God”, due to the fact that Christianity had long ago lost its conceptual […]
  12. Homer’s The Iliad and John Milton’s Lost Paradise
    It was written after the Restoration, but the powerful voice of the poet declared that the spirit of the Revolution was not broken, that it still lived in the hearts of the people.
  13. The Use of Dark Symbolism in “Othello” and “Paradise Lost”
    Thus, the use of dark imagery in Milton’s work is implemented to heighten the contrast between light and darkness, good and evil.
  14. Milton’s Take on Satan and Eve in Paradise Lost
    The poem tells the story of Adam and Eve, their creation, and how they happened to lose their position in the Garden of Eden, also known as Paradise.
  15. The Connection Between Milton’s “Paradise Lost” and the Real Historical Events
    John Milton wrote the poem a long time ago and it was written for people of all ages and belief systems but specifically for Christians and those who believe in the Garden of Eden and […]
  16. Treasured Objects in Beowulf, Milton’s Paradise Lost, and Pope’s “Rape of the Lock”
    This piece of literature is not a work of so to say, an eternal value that can be explained by the transient nature of the life experience addressed in it.
  17. C. S. Lewis’s “The Problem of Pain” and John Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
    In fact, the author of the book is trying to prove the readers that pain is the direct result of God’s love for people and God’s tool of people’s improvement; He uses pain in order […]
  18. Paradise Lost by John Milton
    I however beg to disagree with this great English poet that this predestination was actually intended to benefit mankind and not Him; it’s actually the opposite because the fall was predestined to benefit God and […]
  19. “Paradise Lost” John Milton One of the Most Distinguished Samples of Literature Epos
    As most of the storyline of “Paradise Lost” was created on the basis of Biblical stories, it was considered a book of heavenly-minded character and viewed as a poetical interpretation of the Bible.
  20. “Paradise Lost” a Poem by John Milton
    Finally, Adam and Eve had to defend their right to believe and have their faith is the allusion to the changes that were apparent in the religious life of England.
  21. Violation of the Authority of the Father Figure in John Milton’s Paradise Lost and Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe
    The Setting in Robinson Crusoe and Paradise Lost: The Town of Hull and Heaven as Harbingers of Disobedience, Defiance, and Revolt The setting at the beginning of Paradise Lost and Robinson Crusoe provide a fertile […]
  22. Comparative Analysis of the Female Characters in “The Ramayana” and “Paradise Lost”
    This is seen when Eve in the Garden of Eden does everything possible to convince Adam of the righteousness of the forbidden fruit. Throughout the story, the role of the female characters is that of […]

📃 Simple & Easy Paradise Lost Essay Titles

  1. Adam and Eve: Breaking the Social Construct With John Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
  2. Adam’s Relationship With Eve in “Paradise Lost”
  3. Aesthetic Rapture Between Heaven and Hell: William Blake Illustrates John Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
  4. Alexander Pope’s “The Rape of the Lock” and John Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
  5. Adam and Eve: Misogyny in “Paradise Lost”
  6. Analysing John Milton’s Writing Style in “Paradise Lost”
  7. John Milton’s “Paradise Lost” and Its Basis on the Bible
  8. Attitudes and Free Will in the Book of Genesis and “Paradise Lost” by John Milton
  9. Adam and Eve’s Relationship to Each Other and God in “Paradise Lost”
  10. Christian and Pagan Influence in “Paradise Lost” and “Beowulf”
  11. John Milton’s “Paradise Lost” as Christian Epic
  12. Connections of Ecofeminism and John Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
  13. Epic Stories “Paradise Lost” and “The Ramayana”
  14. Adam’s Fall and “Paradise Lost” by John Milton
  15. Analysis: The Character Satan in John Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
  16. The Humanity and Suffering of Eve in “Paradise Lost”
  17. John Milton’s “Paradise Lost”: The Themes of Death and Sin
  18. The Construction of Satan’s Tragic Hero Character in “Paradise Lost”
  19. Comparing “Dante’s Inferno” and “Paradise Lost”
  20. John Milton’s Personal Influence on the Writing of “Paradise Lost”

🥇 Most Interesting Paradise Lost Topics to Write about

  1. Milton’s “Paradise Lost” and Genesis: Will and Man’s Attitude
  2. Lust, Violence, and Death in John Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
  3. Milton’s “Paradise Lost” and His Justification of the Ways of God to Man
  4. Lycidas and “Paradise Lost”: Comparing Themes of Beginnings and Endings
  5. Man and Nature After the Fall in John Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
  6. “Paradise Lost” and Adam’s Response to the Gospel
  7. Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” and John Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
  8. The Conflict Between Free Will and The Divine in “Paradise Lost”
  9. “Paradise Lost”: Free Will and Christian Faith
  10. Milton’s “Paradise Lost” Walks the Line of Acceptable Christian Poetry
  11. Motherhood and Sin Explored in John Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
  12. “Paradise Lost” and Areopagitica: The Test of the Faith With Temptation
  13. “Paradise Lost”: The Test of the Faith With Temptation
  14. “Paradise Lost”: Milton’s Approach to Lust, Sex, and Violence
  15. Satan: The True Hero of “Paradise Lost” by Milton
  16. Sex, Violence, and Lust in Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
  17. “Paradise Lost”: The Complex Character of Satan and His Motivation
  18. Reasons Why Satan Is Not Real Hero in “Paradise Lost” by John Milton
  19. Uncertainty and the Sociable Spirit: Raphael’s Role in “Paradise Lost”
  20. Women and the Concept of Gender in “Paradise Lost”

❓ Paradise Lost Essay Questions

  1. What Is the Epic Question in “Paradise Lost”?
  2. What Was Satan’s Name in “Paradise Lost”?
  3. What Is the Main Problem in “Paradise Lost”?
  4. What Is the Most Famous Line in “Paradise Lost”?
  5. Who Is the Real Hero of “Paradise Lost”?
  6. How Do Adam and Eve Differ Before and After the Fall?
  7. Who Is the Most Important Character in “Paradise Lost”?
  8. What Is the Role of God in “Paradise Lost”?
  9. Does Milton’s Grand Style Enhance or Detract From the Power of His Story?
  10. Who Was the First Fallen Angel in “Paradise Lost”?
  11. Why Was Eve Created in “Paradise Lost”?
  12. Is It Possible to Defend the Idea That Satan Is the True Hero of “Paradise Lost”?
  13. With What Literary Element Does the Epic “Paradise Lost” Open?
  14. How Is the Tragic Hero Described in the Epic Poem “Paradise Lost”?
  15. What Is Satan’s Angel Name in “Paradise Lost”?
  16. How Does Milton Describe Satan’s Leadership Qualities in “Paradise Lost”?
  17. Why Does God Create Eve in “Paradise Lost”?
  18. What Is Satan’s Punishment in “Paradise Lost”?
  19. What Is the Central Theme of “Paradise Lost”?
  20. What Is the Climax of “Paradise Lost”?
  21. Who Is Satan’s Daughter in “Paradise Lost”?
  22. How Does Milton Amplify the Account of Adam and Eve in Genesis?
  23. Did John Milton Write “Paradise Lost” in English or Latin?
  24. What Are Satan’s Similarities and Differences Between “Paradise Lost” and “Doctor Faustus”?
  25. Is “Paradise Lost” by John Milton Biblical?

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 87 Paradise Lost Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/paradise-lost-essay-topics/

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"87 Paradise Lost Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/paradise-lost-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '87 Paradise Lost Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March. (Accessed: 24 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2024. "87 Paradise Lost Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/paradise-lost-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "87 Paradise Lost Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/paradise-lost-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "87 Paradise Lost Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/paradise-lost-essay-topics/.