Frankenstein: Quotes


Welcome to Frankenstein Quotes page prepared by our editorial team! Here you’ll find all Frankenstein’s important quotes explained.

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No doubt, the whole Shelley’s novel is a masterpiece, but there are a few Frankenstein’s important quotes that should be discussed and explained. Each of them highlights specific topics that intersect with the main ideas of the novel.

Frankenstein Quote #1

“It was the secrets of heaven and earth that I desired to learn”

Chapter 2

Victor Frankenstein says these words in Chapter 2 while recalling his childhood. They point out Victor’s great desire and goal: to reach and possess divine knowledge. This aim becomes his obsession and purpose in life. And, together with his wish for fame, it motivates him during studying at the university.

Later, Victor’s seemingly pure intentions turn against him. The monster he created, wanting to discover the nature of life, terrifies him, and the monster kills every person precious to Frankenstein. So was the knowledge worth it? It also points out that some secrets should never be solved. Curiosity is natural, it’s healthy, but the desire to become God-like will be punished, and Victor is the best example.

It is the karmic law – the consequences of the actions will only be good when the intention is pure. Pure intention means that the person wishes to help others and bring happiness into their lives. Victor’s actions were coming from his ego, so the result of his experiment was never meant to become a success.

The theme of “secrets of life” can be followed throughout the whole novel, chapter by chapter. However, a counterpart to Frankenstein’s dark ambition appears, and it’s his monster. Victor’s creation shows interest in the eternal philosophical questions, such as the purpose of life and self-identity. But he never finds the answers.

Frankenstein Quote #2

“I can hardly describe to you the effect of these books. They produced in me an infinity of new images and feelings that sometimes raised me to ecstasy, but more frequently sunk me into the lowest dejection.”

Chapter 7

This is the quote by the Monster from Chapter 7. The Monster reads three books: Paradise Lost, Plutarch’s Lives, and Sorrows of Werter. All three of them are an excellent option for those who want to find out the basics of human nature, which includes love, rights and wrongs, and life choices. They became the first teacher of the Monster.

At that moment, Victor’s creation is presented as a child, absorbing new information and learning. And with knowledge comes not only responsibility but also power. Nobody is born almighty, but people learn and become stronger with time. The same with the Monster. However, he decides to use force against his creator.

Moreover, the quote draws the connection to Frankenstein, since as a child, he gathered information about this world from the books. Also, it presents the idea that the way both Victor and his Monster see the world is mainly an illusion taken from the texts. Here, it can also be correlated to modern life, as people do not create their points of view but borrow them from the media.

The issue of vulnerability can also be tracked in these lines. As well as small children, the Monster is open to every new experience and source of information. Judging on his negative and depressing thoughts on the books he read, it seems evident that those works would be more suitable for a somewhat developed personality.

Frankenstein Quote #3

“Accursed creator! Why did you form a monster so hideous that even you turned from me in disgust?”

Chapter 15

These words are said in desperation by the Monster in Chapter 15. There he talks about how God created man, Adam, in his image to become handsome and charming. Then, he says about how he’s an uglier version of a human. It’s an obvious comparison of Frankenstein and God. A person can only do so much; Victor’s powers don’t even come close to God’s.

The Monster appears as an ugly and sad result of Victor’s attempt to gain God-like power. This quote serves as a reminder that every effort to go against nature will fail, and people should accept everything they were given with gratitude. Also, it underlines the loneliness and sadness of the Monster, as his father turned him down while even Satan favors his horrifying creations.

On the other hand, there’s an issue of people’s suffering hidden between the lines. The way how the Monster complains about his nature can be compared to how people find themselves not useful enough. It relates to both physical traits and general abilities.

Nowadays, people can’t stop beating themselves up for any mistake they make or flaw they have. This endless suffering is driven by the idea that they have to be perfect. However, it is impossible, and asking why God created us like this, unfortunately, doesn’t help.

Frankenstein Quote #4

“If I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear!”

Chapter 17

These words belong to the Monster. Here, again, the most apparent theme presented is loneliness. Everybody rejects him, but he doesn’t want to be an outcast, so his rage is provoked by despair.

The Monster carries a burden of loneliness because of how people react to him. Due to his weird and somewhat terrifying appearance, everybody avoids him. They don’t want to see an ugly guy like him in their community. Even though he has a kind heart and wants to share love, no one understands him and only judges on his appearance. It causes the Monster to rebel. He can’t stand the humiliation anymore and decides to become a monster that everyone sees in him. That’s why he says that he will cause fear.

Once again, this quote can become a loud wake-up call for modern society. It’s not something new, though. Since ancient times people have been developing an unhealthy obsession with looks. Judging-the-book-by-its-cover approach is one of the nowadays most common attitudes. People who look different are unacceptable in society, and are left with two choices: rebel or give up. The Monster decided not to give up but, still, there was no happy ending for him.

Frankenstein Quote #5

“It is well. I go; but remember, I shall be with you on your wedding-night.”

Chapter 20

A phrase that can give chills to anybody is said by the Frankenstein’s Monster in Chapter 20. And this is the Frankenstein quote that should be explained. It seems like the Monster threatens to kill Victor on his wedding day. However, later on, he comes to murder Elizabeth, his creator’s wife-to-be. It may only seem like this line is just an essential of the dialogue, but the meaning behind it is about the Monster himself and his feelings.

The quote is a hint for the Monster’s real motive for his revenge. By this chapter, he has accumulated enough hatred towards people who rejected him. However, the person who he despised the most was Victor. The Monster remembers how his creator, his father, ran away from him when he opened his eyes. From the very first moments of his life, he was destined for eternal loneliness and abandonment. It’s quite understandable that he wishes to revenge.

Killing Victor would come as something expected and obvious. But the Monster intends to make Frankenstein miserable. That’s why he decides to shoot his beloved. It would leave his creator suffering in loneliness. Now, it is evident that the Monster never wanted to kill anyone, but he wanted Victor to know how it feels like to be abandoned his whole life.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 24). Frankenstein: Quotes.

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IvyPanda. 2024. "Frankenstein: Quotes." May 24, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Frankenstein: Quotes." May 24, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Frankenstein: Quotes." May 24, 2024.

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