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What Kafkaesque Examples Can You Find in The Metamorphosis?


The word Kafkaesque is not new in the contemporary world. Not everyone understands what it means. It appears when we discuss Franz Kafka’s works, opinions, and ideas he portrays in the readings. The Metamorphosis provides readers with examples of Kafkaesque. It helps them understand the meaning of this word better.

Detailed answer:

Before giving a description, we will begin with the overall understanding of this term.

✓ The word Kafkaesque means “in the manner of Franz Kafka.” The term refers to the writings and the ideas of this unique author. It marks an illogical, complicated, and bizarre state. These events can happen both in his works and everyday life.

✓ For the situation to be Kafkaesque, it should be full of bureaucracy and irony. It can be full of surrealism. These fantastic experiences appear because of character actions and decisions.

★ So, what are the examples of Kafkaesque in The Metamorphosis?

People overuse and provide poor examples for the term Kafkaesque. The Metamorphosis is ideal for the analysis of this concept.

Kafkaesque describes the terrible and surreal experiences of people. In the story, the main character wakes up and understands that he is no longer a human. He is a gigantic insect. This drastic change happened while Gregor Samsa was experiencing uneasy dreams. The situation is unrealistic. Because transforming the human body into an insect in ordinary life is impossible and absurd. Gregor is not the only person who goes through a change. Gregor’s sister becomes a young woman. His parents have to shift their responsibilities to survive.

Another example of Kafkaesque in the story is that the character is responsible for his experiences. Before the Metamorphosis, Gregor worked as a salesman and hated his job. He understood that life does not bring any satisfaction to him. He did nothing to change this horror. Gregor continued his career to provide his family with everything needed. The character could escape reality and abandon his responsibilities. Gregor could start a new life; he chooses to suffer.

The decisions of Gregor are the primary indication of his Kafkaesque. He realizes that he is the only person who brings constant negativity into his life. He is responsible for his meaningless existence and the lack of support from his family. By transforming him into an insect, the world gives Gregor a chance to show his real potential. The character accepts the terrible reality and continues to exist in suffering.

Kafkaesque is a complex concept that aims at describing surreal life situations. The Metamorphosis is the work in which the whole experience of the main character is Kafkaesque. In the story, Gregor Samsa is the creator of his horrible circumstances. He does nothing to improve his life. Gregor fails to accept the significance of physical change and starts to live in denial.

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IvyPanda. (2022, September 6). What Kafkaesque Examples Can You Find in The Metamorphosis? https://ivypanda.com/q/what-kafkaesque-examples-can-you-find-in-the-metamorphosis/

Work Cited

"What Kafkaesque Examples Can You Find in The Metamorphosis?" IvyPanda, 6 Sept. 2022, ivypanda.com/q/what-kafkaesque-examples-can-you-find-in-the-metamorphosis/.


IvyPanda. (2022) 'What Kafkaesque Examples Can You Find in The Metamorphosis'. 6 September.


IvyPanda. 2022. "What Kafkaesque Examples Can You Find in The Metamorphosis?" September 6, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/q/what-kafkaesque-examples-can-you-find-in-the-metamorphosis/.

1. IvyPanda. "What Kafkaesque Examples Can You Find in The Metamorphosis?" September 6, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/q/what-kafkaesque-examples-can-you-find-in-the-metamorphosis/.


IvyPanda. "What Kafkaesque Examples Can You Find in The Metamorphosis?" September 6, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/q/what-kafkaesque-examples-can-you-find-in-the-metamorphosis/.

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