Amharic, Ethiopian, or Amarigna Tongue Twisters

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Original: Be bug bate, bug geba.
English: In the sheep house, the sheep go in.
Original: Irasen berase kalankolpetskat man yankolptslgneal.
English: If I don´t say that I admire myself, who shall then admire me?
Original: Tertariw tetertariwen seletereterew, tetertariw betertariw bemeterteru teteratro tertariwen tereterew.
English: Since the suspector suspected the suspected, the suspected became suspicious of the suspector.
Original: bebeg bet bebeg geba
English: the sheep goes in the sheep house
Original: የተባረከ የሰማይ ልጅ ተረጋጋል
English: The stubborn son of a she-goat chewed up a straw mat
Original: የሚሰጠን ሰማይ ልጅ ከአንድ ሴት ተረጋጋል
English: The she-goat's son who eats a lot chews up a straw mat from one sheep
Original: አምላክና የተባረከ የሰማይ ልጅ ሰማይን አሰራርቶ አከላለን
English: God and the stubborn son of a she-goat chew up the she-goat's straw mat as they eat
Original: የሰማይን ልጅ ከአንድ ሴት ተረጋጋል
English: The she-goat's son chews up a straw mat from one sheep
Original: አድርገውና አንተ በላይነት እጅጉ ከተሞች
English: You fell down and broke your leg in the same way as others
Original: ከአምላኬ አውሬም አምላክን አንተን አምላክ አድርግ
English: From God to man, you were chosen by God to be a man of God
Original: ወደ አምላኬ ለማድረግ አማልክት አውሬም
English: To serve God, one must have faith
Original: አምላክን ከአምላክ እንዳለበት አምላክ እንደሆነ የሚያስቡ
English: If you want to be like God, you must follow God