Arabic Tongue Twisters

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Original: المشمش ده مش من مشمشكم مكالمه المشمش ده مش من مشمشنا
Transcription: al mesh’mesh dah mish mien meshmeshkum wikamah al mesh’mesh dah mish mien meshmeshnah.
English: These apricots are not our apricots. The place of these apricots is not the place of our apricots.
Original: roukhi we roukhik ya roukhi roukhain be roukh matrakh ma troukh roukhik roukhi bet roukh!
English: My soul and your soul are one soul. Wherever your soul goes, my soul also goes!
Original: Arnab nattat men manwamha tabgha manwam gheer manwamha
English: A rabbit jumped to another bed looking for another.
Original: Balah ta'allaq taht qal'it Halab.
English: Dates were hung over the castle of Halab (Aleppo).
Original: Klit Khyara oukhalit Khyara laachaya
English: She was eating one cucumber and left one cucumber for Shaya.
Original: hadal mish mish mish min mish Mishna
English: These apricots are not from our apricots
Original: Daq al-bab Kaloo, "Mean?" Kaloo, "Amin" Kaloo, "Malak?" Kaloo, "l-hajji" Kaloo, "Malha?" Kaloo, "Mawtat" Kaloo, "Balla?!" Kaloo, "Walla." Kaloo, "Hakni!" Kaloo, "Yalla!
English: He knocked on the door He said, "Who?" He said, "Amin" He said, "What's your problem?" He said, "The old woman" He said, "What's her problem?" He said, "She's dead" He said, "Really?!" He said, "Really" He said, "Follow me!" He said, "Let's go!
Original: Tabagna tabag takum. Lamma tabagna ja yetbug tabakum, liga tabakum tabig tabagna
English: Our plate came to sit on top of yours. When he came he found your plate on top of him
Original: Teen darna min teen dar toag, wa teen dar toag min teen darna
English: Our house's clay is from toag's house clay, and toag's house clay is from our house's clay…
Original: Laa wala balla wallahi!
English: No, you, for god's sake I swear!
Original: Khamees comash khashem Habash, habash comash khashem Khamees.
English: Khamees catches the nose of Habash, Habash catches the nose of Khamees.
Original: Larry wara larry wara larry…
English: A lorry after a lorry after a lorry…
Original: Tarik teg taki
English: Tarik hits (is hitting?) Taki
Original: Hutt el turschi bitschies el schurti
English: Put the sour vegetables (?) in the pocket of the policeman
Original: Khait hareer ala hait khaleel.
English: A silk thread on Khaleel's wall.
Original: Battatna battat baten battatkom, tegdar battatkom etbot baten battatna methel ma battatna battat baten battetkom.
English: Our duck blew up your duck's stomach, can your duck blow up our duck's stomach like our duck blew up your duck's stomach?
Original: kasab afasna kasar afas asabna yedar asab afaskom yeksar afas asabkom zay ma asab afasna kasar afas asabna?
English: Our sugar canes broke our sugar canes' basket. Could your sugar canes brake your sugar canes' basket-like our sugar canes did?
Original: arnab anwar nat fe manwar anwar.
English: Anwars (arabic name) rabbit jumped into Anwars court.
Original: wa7id abou kirsh, abil wa7id abou kirsh, galuh: "3indak kirsh?" galuh: maftikirsh !
English: One fat man with a big fat belly, met another fat man with a big fat belly, he said: «Do you have a big fat belly?" The man replied: "I don't think so!
Original: طربوش تطربشنا به وطربوش ما تطربشنا به قوم يا متطربش وتطربش بالطربوش الذي لم نتطربش به
English: There is a tarboosh, that we have set up, and a tarboosh, that we have not set up. Stand up tarboosh-wearer, and set up the tarboosh that we have not set up.
German: (Da ist) ein Tarboush, den wir aufgesetzt haben, und ein Tarboush, den wir nicht aufgesetzt haben. Steh auf, Tarboush-Träger, und setz den Tarboush auf, den wir nicht aufgesetzt haben.
Original: Hosam haseb hisab Hassen
English: Hosam counted Hassan's account
Original: Ihna Indana Baqra, wakhalti baraka Indaha Baqra, Ihna dabahna baqaratna,wakhalti baraka dabahat bakarataha, telaat maraqa raqabat wakhalti baraka attam min maraqa raqabat baqratna
English: We have a cow, and my aunt Baraka has a cow. We slaughtered our cow, and our aunt Baraka slaughtered her cow. The soup of our cow was tastier than than of my aunt Baraka's cow.
Original: Karton tekartanabu yegdar shaikh almitkartineen yitkartan bikartoon matikartanabu
English: Cardboard in cardboard, can you, the master of the cardboards, be cardboard?
Original: Ihna Dabahna Bagretna elbarga, Dar el-borga dabaho bagrethom elbarga, telaat maraget lahmet ragbet bagretna elbarga atyab men maraget lahmet ragbet bagrethom elbarga
English: We killed our spotted cow, Al-Borga family also killed their spotted cow. The soup made from the meat of the neck of our spotted cow came much tastier than the soup made from the meat of the neck of Dar Al-Borga's spotted cow !
Original: Shajret Natesh, Jeet Antesh(h)a, Mannatshatesh !
English: A bush tree, I tried to pull it out, but it did not go out !
Original: Ana Ma Statyastaksh, Ma Testatsyesneesh !
English: I am not making a fool of you, don't make a fool of me !
Original: khalti basima basbisitli basbosa bilsamna wil sokar bas ya khosara til'it sokhna lasa'itni fi lisani
English: Aunt Basima prepared me some basbosa (an Arabian dessert) with sugar and margarine but unfortunately, it was too hot and I burnt my tongue!
Original: Deak sagahfe we deak sagahfengah nat el deak el sagahfe nagah el deake el sagahfengah gahfe yakeder el deak el sagahfe yangahe el deak el sagahfengah zay el deak el sagahfengah nagh el deak el sagahfe gafe?
English: A rooster (with the name of) Saghfe jumped on the second one (called Sagahfengah) and beat him up. Can the rooster Sgahfangah jump on the rooster Sagahfe and beat him up like the rooster Sagahfe beat the Sagahfangah?
Original: خشبت الحبس حبست خمس خشبات و خشبة
Transcription: khashabat alhabs habasat khms khashabat w khshb
English: Imprisoned confinement confined five timber and a timber
Original: قم يا قمقم قوم تقمقم قم على قفّة قم كل قمح
Transcription: qum ya qumqim qawm taqamqum qum ealaa qfft qum klu qamah
English: Arise, beak, folk, beak, rise on the stand of every wheat
Original: شرف فرش شرشف شريف و شريف يشرف على شرف
Transcription: sharaf furush shrshf sharif w sharif yushrif ealaa sharaf
English: Sharaf brushes
Original: ليرة ورا ليرة
Transcription: layratan wara layra
English: Lira Laura Lira
Original: سبع خرابيش استطربشنا هم من عند المستطربشين، قل لي يا مطرب يا مستطربش تقدر تطربشانا سبع خرابيش زي يلي استطربشنا هم من عند المستطربشين.
English: We got seven fezzes from the fezzes maker. Tell me, O fez-man, can you make for us seven fezzes the same as the ones we got from the fezzes maker.
Original: سبع طر ابيش استطربشنا هم من عند المستطربشين، قل لي يا مطرب يا مستطربش تقدر تطربشانا سبع خرابيش زي يلي استطربشنا هم من عند المستطربشين.
English: We got seven pins from the pins maker. Tell me, O pin-man, can you make for us seven pins the same as the ones we got from the pins maker.
Original: طرقتُ البابَ حتى كلمتني، فلما كلمتني كلمتني، قالت: يااسماعيلُ صبراً قلتُ:يا أسماء عيلَ صبري
Transcription: taraqto al baba hatta kallamatni, fa lamma kallamatni kallamatni. qalat: ya isma'ilo sabran, qolto: ya Asma 3eela sabri.
English: I knocked the door until my arm hurts, she said: Isma'il wait. I said: Asma, I've lost my patience.
Original: أسعد سعيد صابر صعد سور سعد صايل
Transcription: asead saeid sabir saeid suar saed sayl
English: Asaad Saied Saber climbed Saad Sayel's fence.
Original: Khamees kumash khashim Habash
English: Khamees caught Habash's nose
Original: Tabakhna fi matbahkum tabkhatna.
English: We cooked our dish in your kitchen.
Original: جدار دار طين دارنا اكبر من جدار دار طين جارنا
Transcription: jadar dar tin darana 'akbar min jadar dar tin jarina
English: The wall of Dar Mud Darna is bigger than the wall of Dar Mud our neighbor
Original: خميس الخباز خبز خمس خبزات
Transcription: khamis alkhabaz khabz khms khabazat
English: Khamis Baker Baked five bread
Original: أَلَمٌ أَلَمَّ أَلَمْ أُلِمَّ بِدَائِهِ ... إِنْ آنَ آنٌ آنَ آنُ أَوَانِهِ
Transcription: Alamun alamma alam ulimma bida'ih ... In aana aanun aana aanu awaanih
English: I've got pain, but I don't know the disease ... If it hurts me, it should be healed
Original: راح الغابة في الغابة
English: The forest went into the forest
Original: الحديد يحدد الحدود
English: Iron determines boundaries
Original: القرد في عين أمه
English: The monkey is in my mother's eye
Original: خير الصديق صديق خير الصديق
English: The best friend is a good friend of the best friend
Original: في الغار في الغار
English: In the cave, in the cave
Original: العائلة العظيمة
English: The great family
Original: العشب الأخضر ينبت في الحقل
English: The green grass grows in the field
Original: صاحب العين العمياء يريد العدو العادي
English: The owner of the blind eye wants the ordinary enemy
Original: الخبز الخشن يكتب الخط الخطير
English: The hard bread writes the dangerous line
Original: السعفة السوداء يحل السجل السري
English: The black donkey solves the secret register
Original: الثعبان الذي يعيش في الغار لا يريد الخروج
English: The snake that lives in the cave doesn't want to leave
Original: العصفور الذي يغني في الغابة يغني للغاية
English: The bird that sings in the forest sings to the fullest
Original: في القارة القريبة يقع القمر القديم
English: In the nearby continent lies the old moon
Original: القناع القطني يغطي الوجه القديم
English: The cotton mask covers the old face
Original: الصغير الذي يكبر في الغار لا يكبر إلا في الغار
English: The small one that grows in the cave doesn't grow except in the cave