Assamese Tongue Twisters

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Original: Bogakoi Bogoli Boholai Bohise Bolukat Biyoli Bela
English: The white cranes are spreading (their wings) wide sitting on the sand in the evening.
Original: Bokul Bagorise Bobosa Bonote Butoli Bilawngoi Bola
English: Let's collect the Bokul flowers scattered in the grass and distribute them. Bokul is a small white flower with a beautiful fragrance (perhaps a camellia?).
Original: Lau Puli Lorai Rulu, Rulu Lorai Lofa
English: A boy planted a lau (fuzzy squash) plant and then planted a lofa (similar to spinach) plant.
Original: বাইকগাড়ির দাঁড়িয়া দাঁড়িয়া বাচালা বাচালা বাচালা বাচালা
English: The bike's wheels go round and round and round and round
Original: হাতিয়া হাতিয়া সেতুতলা সেতুতলা হাতিয়া হাতিয়া
English: The monkey jumps up and down on the bridge up and down, up and down