Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian Tongue Twisters jezikolomke / brzalice

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Original: Igla igra igru igle
English: The needle plays the game of the needle.
German: Die Nadel spielt das Spiel der Nadel
Original: Četiri čavke čuče na čabru. Skoči mačak na čabar i počini čitavo čudo.
English: Four crows are perched on a bucket. A tomcat jumped on the barrel and caused havoc.
Original: Raskiseliše li ti se opanci?
English: Did your (peasant) shoes fall apart?
Original: Ture bure gura, bula bure valja, bolje ture bure gura nego bula bure valja.
English: A Turk turns the barrel, a Turk's wife rolls a barrel, the Turk turns the barrel better then the Turk's wife rolls it.
Original: Miš uz pušku miš niz pušku, nasred puške vodu pije.
English: Mouse up the gun, mouse down the gun, in the middle of the gun it drinks some water.
Original: Petar pita Pavla pošto Pavle par pataka; par pataka pet petaka, pet pataka puno petaka.
English: Peter asks Paul, how much are a pair of ducks; a pair of ducks are five nickels (fivers), five ducks (are) many nickels.
German: Peter fragt Paul, wieviel kosten zwei Enten; zwei Enten fünf Fünfer, fünf Enten viele Fünfer.
Original: Kad misliše na te, razveseliše li te?
English: When they though about you, did they make you happy you?
German: Als sie an dich dachten, haben sie dich erfreut?
Original: Crni jarac crnom trnu crn vrh grize; ne grizi mi crni jarče, crnom trnu crn vrh!
English: A black billy goat is chewing the thorny bush's blacktop; Don't chew, black billy goat, the thorny bush's blacktop.
French: Un bouc noir broute le sommet noir d'un arbuste épineux; bouc noir, ne broute pas le sommet noir de l'arbuste épineux!
Original: Odosmo u kotlokrpa, kad kotlokrp kotle krpi sa svojih devet kotlokrpica, a stara im kotlokrpovka kotlokrpavim kotlovima vodu nosi.
English: We came to the tinker when the tinker was mending pots with his nine tinker's daughters and the tinker's old woman was carrying water in amended pot.
French: Nous sommes allés chez le chaudronnier, quand le chaudronnier répare les chaudrons avec ses neuf fils de chaudronnier, mais la vieille femme du chaudronnier leur apporte de l'eau avec des chaudrons rapiécés.
Original: Razrahatleisasteli se?
English: Did you have a good time?
Original: Riba ribi grize rep.
English: A fish is bitting off a fish's tail.
Original: Na vrh brda vrba mrda.
English: On the top of the riverbank the willow is swaying.
Original: Cvrči cvrči cvrčak na čvoru crne smrče.
English: Chirp, chirp, cricket on the knot of the black spruce.
Original: Ture bure valja, bolje bure Ture neg Ture bure.
English: A Turk rolls the barrel, the barrel pushes the Turk. It is better for the barrel to push the Turk, than that the Turk roll the barrel (away)
Original: Čiča čvorak čuva četu čavki, čik čvorče čvrkni čavki čvor.
English: Old man starling is watching a company of jackdaws. If you dare, starling, strike smartly at the jackdaw's knot
Original: Najčvršći potrčko često trči čvrsto četvrtkom u Brčko.
English: The toughest running boy often runs tough on Thursdays to Brèko.
Original: Ko pokopa popu bob?
English: Who buried the priest's broadbeans?
Original: Čokanjčićem ću te, čokanjčićem ćeš me.
English: (I'll hit you) with a little (rakija) bottle, (you'll hit me) with a little (rakija) bottle. The hitting action is implicit; "čokanjčić" is a small tear-shaped bottle used for rakija, a spirit of the brandy family.
Original: Ljubim Ljubu i ljubicu i ljujam se.
English: I love (my) sweetheart and the violet and I'm swinging.
Original: Ukiseliše li ti se opanci?
English: Did you soil your opanci? "Opanci" are old-fashioned shoes with points that curl upwards.
Original: Gore gore gore gore, neg' sto gore gore dolje.
English: Mountains burn more/harder up there than down there.
Original: Na štriku se suši šosić.
English: There is a cute/small skirt hanging on the dryer.
German: Ein kleiner Rock wird auf dem Strick getrocknet.
Original: Učvršćivajući očvršćivač
English: Fixing hardener
Original: Sišo s neba Sveti Sava, snio svojoj seji sedamsto sedamdeset sedam sepeta suvih smokava!
English: The Holy Sava came down from heaven, bringing down to his sow seven hundred and seventy-seven sets of dried figs!
Original: Željo nije imao žene pa ga žene žene.
English: Jelly had no women, so women wanted him.
Original: Luka nema luka ni luka. Evo Luke iz luke.
English: The port has no port or port. Here's Luke from the harbor.
Original: Voda vod do voda!
English: Water water to water!
Original: Pop kopa bob. Ko pokopa popu bob? Pop pokopa popu bob.
English: The priest is digging in his bean garden. Who is digging in the priest's bean garden? The priest is digging in the priest's bean garden
Original: Pafte i pod paftama potpaftak i pod potpaftkom potpaftak.
English: Belt buckles, and beneath the belt buckles that which belongs beneath belt buckles, and beneath that which belongs beneath belt buckles, more of what belongs beneath belt buckles.
Original: Tri tigra, tri tigrice i tri tigrica
English: Three tigers, three tigresses and three baby tigers
Original: Tko će reći sedam puta "koza brsti crn trn" (napomena: ponoviti sedam puta u jednom dahu)
English: Who can repeat this seven times: "a goat is eating a black thorn" (to be repeated seven times in one breath)
Original: Pop kopa prokop, kroz prokop kopa pop.
English: A priest is digging a ditch, through a ditch a priest is digging.
Original: Kneže viteže, kad te vidješe, razveseliše li ti se?
English: Lord knight, when they saw you, did they rejoice?
Original: Crna čipka, bela čipka, …
English: Black Lace, white lace, …
Original: Upalila alarm?
English: Did you turn the alarm on?
Original: Ide pop po zidu, upro prst u zvizdu.
English: The priest walks on the wall pointing his finger at the star.
Original: Brže bolje boje brojio bi baja
Transcription: Bzhe bolje boje broyio bi baja
English: Faster, better, he would count the colors of the bee
Original: Ćelav čovek četiri čaše čaja pije
Transcription: Chalav chovek chatri chashe chaja pije
English: The bald man drinks four cups of tea
Original: Sve što se sije, se u šumi susi
Transcription: Sve shto se sije, se u shumi susi
English: Everything that is sown is dried in the forest
Original: Brže bolje bježi brat baja
Transcription: Bzhe bolje bjezhi brat baja
English: Faster, better, the bee's brother runs away
Original: Četiri čoveka četiri časa čiste četiri čupave četvrtine
Transcription: Chatri choveka chatri chasa chiste chatri chupave chtvrtine
English: Four men clean four hairy quarters for four hours
Original: Sred sokaka sedam sokolova sokirano sikće
Transcription: Sred sokaka sedam sokolova sokirano sikche
English: In the middle of the street, seven falcons are startled and cry