Ganda or Luganda Tongue Twisters

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Original: Dawudi dda eBuddo obudde obudda eBuddo butuuse!
English: David go back to Buddo, the time to go to Buddo is now!
Original: Ssinga Ssenga asinga asenga e Ssingo ssinga nsanyuka!
English: If my favorite aunt moves to Singo I'll be happy!
Original: Amazzi gaali gakulukutidde gye gatakulukutiranga?
English: Does water flow where it has never flowed before.
Original: Akawala akaawa Kaawa akaawakaawa ka wa?
English: Where from is the girl who gave Kaawa coffe that was a bit bitter?
Original: Kkumi kya mujje gwe kitwe kizibu kya kitwe kino?
English: Did you see the thick string of hair in the thin hair of the thin rope?
Original: Mulamu gwe muli bbiri bingi, bbiri bingi bwe muli mulamu
English: A big tree in a big forest, a big forest with a big tree
Original: Okulabula okufa okweta okufulumya okufa
English: The sly ant will die from the poison it used to kill the ants
Original: Nnyonyi ekirabo ekigenderere eky'ontuuse
English: You, the playful one, are always stirring up trouble
Original: Abaana b'ebisinga bakatebwa bamuti b'okufa
English: Children who always cry get stones thrown at them until they die
Original: Abakazi b'ebisawo b'omukazi b'ebisawo b'abaana b'ebisawo
English: Women who have seen women who have seen children who have seen
Original: Omutwe gwe guno gwa bulemezi bw'ekirabo
English: The head of a playful monkey is full of lice
Original: Mulamu gwe muli ssaawa mukaaga
English: A big tree in a week becomes a firewood
Original: Nkufu z'ekika ky'egulu ekkuka
English: The smoke from the fire that burned down the house
Original: Abaana b'ebisawo b'emmere b'ebisawo b'omutwe b'ebisawo
English: Children who have seen the head have seen the head of children who have seen
Original: Okusooma okufa okusasula okufulumya okufa
English: The smart one will die from the poison it used to kill the smart ones
Original: Mulamu gwe muli ssatu mukaaga
English: A big tree in a day becomes firewood