Igbo or Ibo Tongue Twisters

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Original: Ukochukwu Okechukwu kwulu okwu chukwu n'ulo chukwu di na Arochukwu.
English: Reverend Okechukwu preached a sermon at the church in Arochukwu.
Original: Papa Peter kwatara pawpaw kwanye Papa Paul. Papa Paul kwata pawpaw kwanye Papa Peter.
English: Peter's father plucked pawpaw and gives it to Paul's father. Paul's father plucks pawpaw and gives it to Peter's father.
German: Peters Vater hat eine Papaya gepflückt und gibt sie Pauls Vater. Pauls Vater pflückt eine Papaya und gibt sie Peters Vater.
Original: Nwanyi n'akwa akwa, ina-akwa akwa na okuko yili akwa nenu akwa ikwalakwa di nenu akwa?
English: Lady Tailor, are you crying because the hen laid an egg on the dress you made that is lying on the bed? (Akwa=Bed, Akwa=Dress, Akwa=Crying, Akwa=Egg, ikwa-akwa=to make dresses, ikwa-akwa=to cry, iyi-akwa=to lay eggs)
Original: Ije unu choro nke a dighi uzo
English: The travel of the birds that fly is swift
Original: Chukwuokike adiro onwe-ha
English: God's power is great
Original: Ije unu choro n'ulo, oku n'ulo
English: The travel of the birds that fly is swift, the sky is wide
Original: Agwula uno choro
English: The tortoise's travel is slow
Original: O di uka di uka di uka
English: He who goes to the farm, goes to the farm, goes to the farm