Jersey Tongue Twisters contes en vitesse

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Original: Quat' caûds cats, chînq tchians g'lés.
English: Four warm cats, five frozen dogs.
Original: Mes moûques à myi m'êmoûquent un mio.
English: My bees wake me up a bit.
Original: Oulle a lanchi lé lîncheu chîn et là.
English: She has thrown the sheet hither and thither
Original: Tes trais tries tril'yîtent tan trousseau.
English: Your three sows ripped your trousseau.
Original: Aîdgiz-lî à viédgi l'ieau.
English: Help him to empty the water.
Original: Tchi choc! Tchiqu'un châque tchiques chiques!
English: What a shock! Someone is shaking some rags!
Original: Eune chiviéthe dans un chînm'tchiéthe.
English: A wheelbarrow in a cemetery.
Original: J'sis à chèrchi ches sannouiches sans saûciches.
English: I am looking for these sausageless sandwiches.
Original: S'ou chouaîsissiz ches chours, né chouaîsissiz pon ches siêx chours-chîn.
English: If you choose these cabbages, don't choose these six cabbages.
Original: Lé tchéthtchi trébutchit sus la chiviéthe et tchiyit à bon'-tchu.
English: The ploughman tripped over the wheelbarrow and fell head over heels.
Original: Lé vétérinnaithe veurt vaie la vaque à Mess Vibèrt.
English: The vet wants to see Mr. Vibert's cow.
Original: Lé plionmi a pitchi les pînchettes au tchèrpentchi.
English: The plumber threw the pliers to the carpenter.
Original: La tchilieuvre a tchilyi tchiques tchoeurs.
English: The snake picked some cherries.
Original: Lé cacheux chantait châque chanson qu'i connaîssait.
English: The driver sang every song he knew.
Original: Rat' a coue, aînchîn' a cat.
English: A rat has a tail like a cat has.
Original: Lé jour dé tchi tch'i' tchit tant d'plyie.
English: The day on which it rained so much.
Original: Du fi filé pouor faithe du filin.
English: Some spun thread to make twine.
Original: Un gros gras gris cat dans un gros gras gris creux.
English: A big fat grey cat in a big fat grey hole.
Original: Tch'est qu'oulle a? Ch'est un cat qu'oulle a.
English: What has she got? It's a cat she's got.
Original: Tan meûthyi a-t-i' des meûthes et les meûthes sont-i' meûthes?
English: Has your berry bush got berries and are the berries ripe?
Original: Tchi tèrre a, dgèrre a.
English: Whoever has land, has war. (A proverb which means that neighbors are always fighting.)
Original: Êcrépionnéthi'ous bein eune néthe poule?
English: Would you really remove the parson's nose from a black hen?