Kurdish Tongue Twisters

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Original: Çume çemmî Çeqan, Çeqel çeltûkî eteqan.
English: As I came to the Cheqan River, the jackal was cleaving ears of wheat.
German: Wie ich zum Fluss Cheqan ging, da spaltete ein Schakal Weizenähren.
Original: kaka kaka! gakey kaka, kay gakey kakey xward!
English: Brother, brother! The cow of my brother ate your cow's hay!
Original: basher bashow basherbet shar akat
English: People at night fight with liquor
Original: basher basharaf, bet besharaf nabet, ba show ba shwshey sharbati shkaw shar nakat!
English: If a person is neat, not rude, then at night they won't fight with broken liquor bottles!
Original: Bavê dilberê dilber, dilberê dilber bavê dilber
English: The lover of the beautiful girl is the father of the beautiful girl, the beautiful girl is the lover of the father of the beautiful girl
Original: Sîngê Sînga xo sînga, Sîngê Sînga yo Sînga
English: The son of Sînga is Sînga, the son of Sînga is also Sînga
Original: Mirov şîvê min xwe bişîne, min şîvê mirovê xwe bişînim
English: I will sew my own shirt, I will sew the shirt of the person I'm sewing for
Original: Pêştir çerxe li ser çerxe, çerxe li ser çerxe pêştir çerxe
English: After the train on the train, the train on the train after the train
Original: Civaka min a civakekî nû ye, civakekî nû a civaka min ye
English: My neighborhood is a new neighborhood, a new neighborhood is my neighborhood