Lombard Tongue Twisters

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Original: Ti che te tachet i tac, tacum i tac! Mi che tac i tac, tacà i tac a ti che te tachet i tac? Tàchete ti i to tac!
English: You who fix heels, fix my heels! I, that fix heels, fixing heels for you that fix heels? Fix your heels yourself!
Original: Chjarn sechja det cháura cechja.
English: Dried meat from a spotted goat.
Original: Ti che të tachët i tacch, tachëm i tacch! Mi tacatt i tacch a ti, che të tachët i tacch? Táchëti ti i to tacch, ti che të tachët i tacch.
English: You who fasten heels, fasten my heels [for me]! Me? Fasten your heels for you, who fastens heels? Fasten your heels yourself, you who fasten heels.)
Original: Hich hach de hoch hech hecacc al hul höl höl è car aca a ca.
English: Five sacks of dry woods dried by sunlight in the attic are valued at home too.
Original: Sfessanfisser de duss, sfessanfisser de giass
English: Seven fish of the oak, seven fish of the ash
Original: Mbrusàa el vej la vos el vej la vos el vej el vej
English: The old man ate the voice, the old man ate the voice, the old man ate, the old man ate
Original: Paron Bonifaci, Bonifaci el paron, el paron Bonifaci el paron Bonifaci
English: Mr. Boniface, Boniface the boss, the boss Boniface the boss Boniface
Original: Paron Bonifaci l'è staa el paron Bonifaci, l'è staa paron Bonifaci l'è staa el paron Bonifaci
English: Mr. Boniface has been the boss Boniface, he has been boss Boniface, he has been the boss Boniface
Original: Tutt quij che s'incontren, s'incontren quij che tutt
English: All those who meet, meet those who all
Original: Quatter gatt che giughen a cartes
English: Four cats playing cards
Original: La luna la luna la va in giro la luna
English: The moon, the moon goes around, the moon