Mongolian Tongue Twisters

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Original: Elee heree galuu gurav ereg ergeldene.
English: The hawk, the crow and the goose are flying over the shore.
Original: Arban tabon targon tarlan Hara sarlog on tarag ii Tarag bishi gezo es oogogaad Ugere yamar arban tabon Targon tarlan hara sarlog on Tarag ii mun gezo oogaho boi?
English: After drinking fifteen fat calico black buffalo's milk, Still drink another fifteen fat calico black buffalo's milk?
Original: Ebudug ii ebudug eyer ebuduglehu du Ebuduglegsen ebudug ebudhu uu? Ebuduglegulehu ebudug obudhu uu?
English: Use a knee to knee another knee. Is the knee being kneed, or the knee doing the kneeing sore?
Original: Ta deelee sugaldarluulval sugaldarluul Sugaldarluulahgui yum bol buu sugaldarluul Ta gaansaa ygsruulval ygsryyl Ygsryylahgui yum bol buu ygsruul.
Original: Teer tal deerh tavin tavan targan tarvaga yasan targan tavin tavan targan tarvaga ve?
Original: Баруун тарианы бөгөөд өргөөн нүүрний борлуулагч
English: The left ear of the horse and the right hoof of the ox
Original: Тамир дахианы тараан хайртай хар уураа хоолон болсон
English: Tamir's elder brother had a white horse with a black tail that ate grass
Original: Хамгийн хангалттай харанхуй нь харанхуйн хангалттай харанхуйн нь харанхуйн хангалттай харанхуй
English: The most difficult horse to ride is the horse that is the most difficult to ride, which is the most difficult to ride
Original: Овоолгооны өргөн өвгөн өнгөрсөн өргөн өвгөн өнгөрсөн өргөн өвгөн өнгөрсөн
English: The red-colored big eye of the sheep that has a big red-colored eye that has a big red-colored eye
Original: Харанхуйн залуу тарианы баруун тариан уруу хайртай нүүрний борлуулагч
English: The young horse's left ear and the right hoof of the white-tailed horse
Original: Улаан цагаан шороон дуржуулагч шороон дуржуулагч шороон дуржуулагч
English: The red and white striped elephant that is an elephant that is a striped elephant
Original: Тулгуур байгалийн хөөрөг дээр тамир дахианы дотор тараан хайртай хар уураа хоолон болсон
English: On the round top of the mountain, Tamir's elder brother had a white horse with a black tail that ate grass
Original: Туслан хайртай хар уураа хоолон болсон зуун хайртай хар уураа хоолон болсон
English: The white-tailed horse that ate grass was a horse that ate grass, and the white-tailed bear that ate grass was a bear that ate grass