Occitan or Gascon Tongue Twisters

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Original: Se plau, plau plan pauc.
English: If it rains, it rains little.
French: S'il pleut, il pleut peu.
Original: Tap tarat taparà, tap pas tarat taparà pas.
English: A plug/cork with agood waist will plug/fit, a plug/cork with a bad waist will not plug/fit.
French: Bouchon de bonne taille bouchera, bouchon de mauvaise taille ne bouchera pas.
Original: Tretze jutges assemblats qu'an minjat lo hitge d'un penjat.
English: Thirteen assembled judges ate the liver of a hanged man.
French: Treize juges assemblés ont mangé le foie d'un pendu.
Original: Pelhs de mes pelhs, mon pelh es pas pelh coma los pelhs de mes pelhs
English: Fur of mine fur, my fur is not fur like the furs of my fur
Original: Per lo piu, lo plu blanc es lo blanc del plum de la perdiusa
English: For the most part, the whitest is the white of the quail's feather
Original: La velha velha velha velha velha velha velha velha velha se vestí de velhs vestits
English: The old old old old old old old old old old woman dressed herself in old clothes
Original: La palha de la pala de la pala de la palha es mai blanca que la neu
English: The straw of the shovel of the shovel of the straw is whiter than the snow
Original: Monsur Monge, lo monge, a un monge que li ditz monge
English: Monsieur Monge, the monk, has a monk who calls him monk
Original: Lo lop es a l'ostal, lo lop es a la stalla, lo lop es al jardin, lo lop es dins la sala
English: The wolf is at the house, the wolf is at the stable, the wolf is in the garden, the wolf is in the room