Romanian Tongue Twisters îmbârligături de limbă / sclinteli de limbă

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Original: Doisprezece cocostîrci pe casa lui Cogălniceanu.
English: Twelve storks on Cogalniceanu's house.
German: 12 Störche auf Cogalniceanus Haus.
Original: Bucura-te cum s-a bucurat Bucuroaia de bucuria lui Bucurel care s-a intors bucuros de la Bucuresti.
English: Enjoy yourself, as well as Bucuroaia enjoyed the joy of Bucurel who returned joyful form Bucharest.
Original: La curbe shinele troznesc.
English: At the curb, the rails (from train) thunder.
Original: Retevei de tei pe miriste de mei.
English: Linden cudgel on millet stubble.
Original: Saşiul stă pe şasiu şi şuşoteşte.
English: Whispering, the cross-eyed is sitting on the chassis.
Original: ştreang
English: noose, rope
Original: Prin Vulturi vantul viu vuia.
English: In Vulturi the wind strongly howled.
Original: Capra neagră-n piatră sare. Piatra crapă-n patru. Crapă capul caprei negre precum piatra crapă-n patru.
English: The goat jumps on the stone. The stone splits in four. May the goat's head split as the stone splits in four.
Original: Stanca stă-n castan ca Stan.
English: Stanca was sitting in a chestnut tree like Stan.
Original: Piatra crapă capul caprei în patru, cum a crăpat şi capra piatra în patru.
English: The stone splits the goat's head in four, as the goat too had split the stone in four.
Original: Şase saşi în şase saci.
English: Six Saxons (German Romanians) in six sacks.
Original: Piatra crapă capra, capra crapă piatra.
English: The stone breaks the goat, the goat breaks the stone.
Original: Oaia aia e a ei, eu i-o iau.
English: That sheep is hers, I take it.
Original: Bucura-te cum s-a bucurat Bucuroaia de bucuria lui Bucurel care s-a intors bucuros de la Bucuresti.
English: Enjoy yourself, as well as Bucuroaia enjoyed the joy of Bucurel who returned joyful from Bucharest.
Original: Un vultur stă pe pisc c-un pix in plisc.
English: An eagle sits on a mountain top with a pen in its beak.
Original: O baba balana mananca o banana babana.
English: A blonde old lady eats a huge banana.
Original: Domnule Dudau, dä-mi doua dude din dudul dumitale de dincolo de drum!
English: Mr. Dudau, give me two mulberries from your mulberry tree from across the street!
Original: Capra neagră calcă-n piatră, Piatra mare crapă-n patru. Aşa să crape capul caprei, Cum a crăpat piatra-n patru.
English: The black goat steps on the rock. The big rock breaks into four (pieces). This is how the goat's head should break. Like the rock breaks into four.
Original: Şase saşi cosaş cosesc şase saci săseşti.
English: Six Saxons (German Romanians) reap six sacks full
Original: Sase sute saizeci si sase de sasi in sase sute saizeci si sase de saci
English: Six hundred sixty-six Saxons (German Romanians) in six-hundred sixty-six sacks
Original: S-a suit capra pe piatra si a spart-o-n patru, de s-ar sparge capul caprei ca si piatra-n patru.
English: A goat climbed upon a stone, so that the stone broke in four pieces; May the goat's head break in four as the stone broke in four.
German: Die Ziege ist auf den Stein gestiegen, so ist der Stein in vier Teile gebrochen; So wie der Stein soll auch der Kopf der Ziege in vier Teile brechen.
Original: Rica nu stia sa zica rau, ratusca, ramurica.
English: Rica (a boy's name) didn't know how to say river, duck, branch.
Original: Eu pup poala popii, popa pupa poala mea.
English: I kiss the coat of the priest, the priest kisses my coat.
French: Je baise le manteau du pope, le pope baise mon manteau.
Original: Capra calca piatra. Piatra crapa-n patru. Crapa-i-ar capul caprei Cum a crapat piatra-n patru.
English: The goat walks on the stone. The stone breaks in four. I wish the goat's head would break, As did the stone in four.
Original: Soră Sară, n-ai sărit asară să vezi carnea cum se sară?
English: Sister Sarah, didn't you stopped by last night to see how the meat is being salted?
Original: Şapte sape late jos şi-alte şaptezeci şi şapte de sape late-n spate.
English: Seven broad hoes down and other seventyseven broad hoes on the shoulders.
Original: Pe cap un capac, pe capac un ac.
English: On the head a lid (hood), on the lid (hood) a needle.
Original: E pestriţă prepeliţa pestriţă, dar mai pestriţi sunt puii prepeliţei pestriţe.
English: The mottled quail is mottled but the little quail chickens are more mottled than the mottled quail.
Original: Când ma gândesc ca te gândesti ca ma gândesc la tine, gândeste-te ca ma gândesc ca te gândesti la mine.
English: When I think that you are thinking that I'm thinking of you, you are thinking that I'm thinking that you are thinking of me.
Original: Ştiu că ştiu că ştiuca-i ştiucă şi mai ştiu că ştiuca-i peşte.
English: I know that I know that pike is a pike and I also know that pike is a fish
Original: Ştiu că ştiu că ştiuca-i ştiucă şi mai ştiu că ştiuca muşcă.
English: I know that I know that pike is a pike and I also know that the pike bites.
Original: Capac cu cupa, cupa cu capac
English: Lid with cup, cup with lid
Original: O cioară chioară ciugule din ciur.
English: An one-eyed crow (Corvus corone) pecks form the sieve.
Original: Fata fierarului Fanica face fasole frecata fara foc, findca focul face fum.
English: The front of the blacksmith Fanica makes rubbed beans without fire, because the fire makes smoke.
Original: S-a 'ntâmplat o întâmplare c-un tâmplar din tâmplărie ce-a lovit pe tâmplăre asă drept in tâmplă şi-a tâmpit.
English: It just so happened that a carpenter in the carpenter hit the carpenter so straight into the carpenter.
Original: Câinele care aleargă după coada sa îşi pierde răsuflarea
English: The dog that runs after its tail loses its breath
Original: Porcul purcelului, care-l zgâri pe-al mamii sale, îşi plăteşte scump
English: The piglet's pig, who scratches his mother's pig, pays dearly
Original: Puiul de pisică, care aleargă după şoarece, aleargă după întuneric
English: The kitten, who runs after the mouse, runs after darkness
Original: Fratele fratelui meu, este fratele meu
English: My brother's brother is my brother
Original: Dă-mi o mână de măr, dar mărul trebuie să fie fără păr
English: Give me a hand of apples, but the apples must be without hair
Original: Porcul gras, care aleargă după prăjituri, aleargă după pâine prăjită
English: The fat pig, who runs after cakes, runs after bread
Original: Mica mică, care se joacă cu mingea, aleargă după o minge mică
English: The little small one, who plays with the ball, runs after a small ball
Original: Pisica grasă, care se joacă cu şoarecele, aleargă după pisica grasă
English: The fat cat, who plays with the mouse, runs after the fat cat
Original: Iepurele care aleargă după iepuras, aleargă după capul lui
English: The rabbit that runs after the bunny rabbit, runs after his head
Original: Găina care aleargă după puiul său, aleargă după ouă
English: The hen that runs after her chick, runs after eggs
Original: Pisica care aleargă după şoareci, aleargă după pisica care aleargă după şoareci
English: The cat that runs after mice, runs after the cat that runs after mice
Original: Căţelul care aleargă după coadă, aleargă după propriile-i picioare
English: The puppy that runs after its tail, runs after its own legs
Original: Mica mică, care se joacă cu mingea, aleargă după mica mica care se joacă cu mingea
English: The little small one, who plays with the ball, runs after the little small one who plays with the ball
Original: Puiul de pisică, care aleargă după şoarece, aleargă după puiul de pisică care aleargă după şoarece
English: The kitten, who runs after the mouse, runs after the kitten who runs after the mouse
Original: Porcul gras, care aleargă după prăjituri, aleargă după porcul gras care aleargă după prăjituri
English: The fat pig, who runs after cakes, runs after the fat pig who runs after cakes