Sicilian Tongue Twisters

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Original: Sa si si susì Sasà.
English: Who knows if Sasà got up.
Original: Rapi 'u stipu e pigghia 'u spicchiu posa 'u spicchiu e chiui u stipu.
English: Open the cabinet and take the slice, put it down and close the cabinet.
Original: Cù si scòppula ô viddanu c'a zappa a manu, sapi ppi cù si scòppula; cù si scòppula a unu c'a còppula n testa, 'un sapi chiddu ca l'aspeta.
English: Who takes the hat off in front of a farmer with a hoe in the hand, he knows in front of whom he takes his hat off; Who takes the hat off in front of one that has a hat on doesn't known what is waiting for him
Original: Sasà si soli susiri, ai sia sunnu i sia e sia, cu sà su sasà si susiu.
English: Sasà usually gets up at six, it's six past six, who know if Sasà got up.
Original: Ci rissi u succi a nuci rammi u tiampu ca ti spirtusu.
English: The mouse said to the walnut: give me time and i will perforate you.
Original: A tia m'affiru lampiuni, quannu passu lustru m'a fari.
English: I am relying on you, lamppost, when i pass makes light to me.
Original: Sasà si susi ai sei. Sù i sei e sei, cusà si Sasà si susiu ai sei?
English: Sasà wakes up at 6:00. It's 6 past 6, who knows if Sasà woke up at 6:00?
Original: A ginucchiuni cugghiannu cuttuni essennu cu ttia cuttuni cugghia.
English: On my knees, collecting cotton being with you I collected cotton.
Original: Cì, ciunghi c'ha? Sì, cinqu ciunghi c'haiu.
English: Cì (Francesco), have you got chewing-gums? Yes, I've got 5 chewing-gums.
Original: Grapo u stipo e pigghio u spicchio, chiuio u stipo e poso u spicchio.
English: I open the furniture and take the fruit/orange section, I close the furniture and drop the fruit section.