Slovak Tongue Twisters jazykolamy

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Original: Pštros s pštrosicou šli s pštrosíčaťom na pštrosiu prechádzku.
English: A male ostrich and a female ostrich went with the ostrich chicks on an ostrich’s' stroll.
Original: Pán kaplan v kapli plakal.
English: Mister chaplain cried in the chapel
German: Der Kaplan in der Kapelle weinte.
Original: V našej peci myši pištia, v našej peci psík spí.
English: In our oven mice squeak, in our oven a dog sleeps.
Original: štvrtvrstva v štvrtvrstve
English: A quarter layer in a quarter layer
Original: Šašo suší osušku.
English: Clown dries a towel.
Original: Starám sa o opice v zoo.
English: I take care of monkeys in the zoo.
Original: Koloso, koleso, okolesilo si sa. Železo, železo, oželezilo si sa.
English: Wheel, wheel, it is wheeled. Iron, iron, it is ironed.
Original: Dolár, Libra, Rubeľ
English: Dollar, Pound, Rouble
German: Dollar, Pfund, Rubel
Original: Antikotikotyčérespapinovikovičová
Original: Najnevypočítavateľnejšieho
English: (of the) most non-calculatable
Original: Isli krti na maskrty, prvy, druhy, treti, stvrty. Piaty robil nanic vrty, nevzali ho na maskrty.
English: The moles went to feast. The first, the second, the third. The fifth did a mess, so they didn't take him to feast.
Original: Guľôčka v jamôčke.
English: A little ball in a little hole
Original: Všetky naše húsatá sa cez priekopu poprekoprcovali.
English: All our geese were rolling through the hole.
Original: Tristotridsaťtri strieborných prepelíc preletelo cez tristotridsaťtri strieborných striech.
English: Three hundred thirty three silver sparrows flew over three hundred thirty three silver roofs.
Original: Keď naolejujem lampu, nenaolejujem linoleum. Keď naolejujem linoleum, nenaolejujem lampu.
English: If I oil the lamp I cannot oil the linoleum. If I oil the linoleum I cannot oil the lamp.
Original: Hlavnu rolu Lorda Rolfa hral Vladimir Leraus.
English: The main role of the Lord Rolf was played by Vladimir Leraus.
Original: Jeleňovi pivo nelej!
English: Don't give beer to red deer!
Original: Klára Králová hrala na klavíri.
English: Klara Kralova played the piano.
Original: Pes spí, psi spia, …
English: A dog sleeps, dogs sleep, …
German: Hund schläft, Hunde schläft, …
Original: Taktika tatka praktika.
English: A tactic of practical father.
Original: Klobučníčka, klobučník, kládli klobúk na ručník.
English: The hatter's wife, the hatter put the hat on the (small) towel.
Original: Juro ruje Jura.
English: George is beating George.
Original: Všetci vojaci boli vyrukavičkovaní, ale veliteľ bol najvyrukavičkovanejší.
English: All soldiers were (nicely) gloved, but the commander was most (nicely) gloved.
Original: Kedysi si si Si-Si nekupovával.
English: You did not use to buy a Si-Si (name of candy) in the past.
Original: Víly z vily vence vili a psy na ne vyli z vily.
English: The villa nymphs were making daisy-chains and the dogs were howling at them from the villa.
Original: Mlynár Biely bieli biely dom.
English: Miller White is white-washing a white house.
Original: Päťtýždňové vĺčatá nervózne štekajú na môjho ďatľa v tŕní.
English: Five-weeks-old little wolves nervously bark at my woodpecker in the bush.
Original: Štvrťžblnknutie
English: quarter of a bubbling up
Original: Najneskomercionalizovateľnejšieho
English: (of the) most non-commercializable)
Original: Poslali ma naši k vašim, aby prišli vaši k našim, ak neprídu vaši k našim, tak že prídu naši k vašim.
English: Our (people) send me to your (people), in order that your (people) come to our (people), if your (people) won't come to our (people), then our (people) will come to your (people).
Original: Strč prst skrz krk.
English: Push a finger through the throat.
Original: A tie vrabce z toho tŕnia štrng-brnk do druhého tŕnia.
English: And the sparrows from that bush fluttered to another bush.
Original: Nataška Ťažká ťažká, či je taška ťažká.
English: Natashka Heavy is dragging if the bag is heavy.
Original: Pán Holý sa holí holý na Kráľovej holi.
English: Mr. Naked is shaving (himself) naked on The King's Hill
Original: Vyskočil vyskočil, Vyskočilku preskočil. Vyskočilka vyskočila, Vyskočila preskočila.
English: Jumper (name) jumped and jump over his wife. His wife also jumped and jumped over him.
Original: Tak ty takto tatko.
English: So it's so, daddy.
German: Also du, Papa.
Original: Najnedopoprekontrastnievávateľnejšieho
English: most non-contrastable
Original: štvrťsmŕštna smrť v štvrťsmŕštnej smrti
English: a quarter-disaster death in the quarter-disaster death
Original: Najiluzionizujúcejší iluzionista
English: The most illusionistic illusionist
Original: Mama ma mala namalovať keď bola malá.
English: Mom was supposed to paint me when she was little.
Original: Štyri škaredé škorpióny škrípali škaredé škorpióny
English: Four ugly scorpions scratched ugly scorpions
Original: Hájnik háji háj, hájnik háji hájnú háj
English: Forester protects the grove, forester protects the grove's fence
Original: Chlpate chlpy chlpajú chlpate chlpy chlpajúcimi chlpami
English: Hairy hairs are scratching hairy hairs with hairy hairs
Original: Rudolf, Rudoľfova Ruďa a Ruďova Ruda
English: Rudolf, Rudolf's Red and Red's Red
Original: Slza v oku, smiech na tvári
English: Tear in the eye, laugh on the face
Original: Biely býk býčím hlasom býčie býčí
English: White bull is roaring like a bull with a bull's voice
Original: V piatok piekli pečivo, v piatok piekli pečivo
English: On Friday they baked pastries, on Friday they baked pastries
Original: Pes počúva, počúva pes počúvajúceho psa
English: Dog listens, dog listens to listening dog
Original: Od včera do zajtra je zajtra včera
English: From yesterday to tomorrow is tomorrow yesterday