Tibetan, Central or Bhotia Tongue Twisters

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Original: Ra Rago Riri Re, Lug Rago Lebleb Re
English: A goat's horn is spiral while a Sheep's horn is flat
Original: Nyima drudru dza chu zla zhong kyi
English: The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky
Original: She sells seashells by the seashore
English: She sells seashells at the beach
Original: Gangtok gyakpa takpa tikpa chikpa
English: Gangtok is a steep, rocky, and slippery mountain path
Original: Nyima zhaxi zangpo de zhang zhul zhul
English: The sun is very bright and shining brightly
Original: Red lorry, yellow lorry
English: Red truck, yellow truck
Original: Dorje dungdu dzamling dzong
English: Dorje's village is in the mountain fortress
Original: Namtso nyi zho zhe zhu
English: The lake of Namtso is very deep
Original: Dzongu dzomsa dzogrim dzong
English: Dzongu's monastery is in the mountain fortress