Uzbek Tongue Twisters

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Original: Ahmad aka Rahmat akani ko‘rdi
English: Uncle Ahmad saw Uncle Rahmat.
French: L'oncle Ahmad a vue l'oncle Rahmat.
Original: Ali, Vali, G‘ani, Sayfi, Said qani?
English: Where are Ali, Vali, G'ani, Sayfi, Said?
French: Où sont Ali, Vali, G‘ani, Sayfi, Said?
Original: Asad asil asal saqlaydi.
English: Asad keeps good honey.
French: Asad garde de bon miel.
Original: Ayiq asal yaladi, asalari taladi.
English: The bear ate honey and the bee-stung it.
French: L'ours mangea du miel et l'abeille le piqua.
Original: Bashar hasharga shoshar, Yashnar hasharda Bashardan oshar.
English: Bashar is eager to go to hashar (collective work, mutual aid), while hashar Yashnar is more skilled than Bashar.
French: Bashar a hâte d’aller à hashar (travail collectif, entraide), pendant hashar Yashnar est plus habile que Bashar.
Original: Bedarak bedana bedazorda bedor bo‘ldi.
English: A lost quail spent a sleepless night in the alfalfa field.
French: Une caille perdue passa une nuit blanche dans le champ de luzerne.
Original: Bir burun ko‘rdim burunnan burun, eshikdan chiqdi burunnan burun.
English: I saw a nose, the biggest nose of all the noses, He came out of the door before all the noses.
French: J’ai vu un nez, le plus grand nez de tous les nezs, Il est sorti de la porte avant tous les nezs.
Original: Bir juft cho‘p ko‘pmi, qo‘sh juft cho‘p ko‘pmi?
English: Are a pair of strands numerous or two pairs?
French: Un paire de brins sont-ils nombreux ou bien deux paires?
Original: Bir tup tut, bir tup tutning tagida bir tup turp. Bir tup tutning tomiri bir tup turpning tomirini turtib turibdi, bir tup turpning tomiri bir tup tutning tomirini turtib turibdi.
English: There is a mulberry tree, under which there is a green radish. The root of this mulberry tree repels that of green radish, and the root of this green radish repels that of the mulberry tree.
French: Il y a un mûrier, sous lequel il y a un radis vert. La racine de ce mûrier repousse celle du radis vert, et la racine de ce radis vert repousse celle du mûrier.
Original: Boqi boqqa, Soqi toqqa bordi.
English: Boqi went to the garden and Soqi - to the mountain.
French: Boqi est allé au jardin et Soqi à la montagne.
Original: Boqi botir buzoq boqar.
English: Intrepid Boqi raises a calf.
French: Intrépide Boqi élève un veau.
Original: Boqi quritgan qoqi qoq quruq qoqi.
English: Boqi dried fruit is a dried fruit that is quite dry. (Boqi's dried fruit is dry)
French: Le fruit sec séché par Boqi est un fruit sec tout à fait sec. (Le fruit sec séché par Boqi est d’une sécheresse tout à fait sèche)
Original: Boshqotirma Boltavoyning boshini qotirdi.
English: The puzzle broke Boltavoy's head. (Boltavoy broke his head to solve this puzzle
French: La casse-tête a cassé la tête à Boltavoy. (Boltavoy s’est cassé la tête pour résoudre ce casse-tête)
Original: Bu bo‘ri bo‘z bo‘rimas chiyabo‘ri.
English: This wolf is not a gray wolf, but a jackal.
French: Ce loup n’est pas un loup gris, mais un chacal.
Original: Bulturgi burgutni bugun Urgutda ko‘rdim.
English: Today I saw last year's eagle in Urgut.
French: Aujourd’hui j’ai vu l’aigle de l’année dernière à Urgut.
Original: Chinoz jiydazori chindan Chilonzor chinorzoridan katta.
English: Chinoz's Jujube Orchard is truly bigger than Chilonzor's plane tree wood.
French: Le verger de jujubiers de Chinoz est véritablement plus grand que le bois de platanes de Chilonzor.
Original: Chovli - simdan, chovgum - misdan.
English: The strainer is made of wire, and the copper kettle.
French: La passoire est faite de fil de fer, et la bouilloire de cuivre.
Original: Chumchuq chug‘urchiqni cho‘qimasa, chug‘urchiq chumchuqni cho‘qimaydi.
English: If the sparrow does not sting (do not peck) the starling, this starling does not sting the sparrow
French: Si le moineau ne pique pas (ne donne pas un coup de bec) l’étourneau, cet étourneau ne pique pas le moineau
Original: Erkin egatga ertaki ekinni ekdi
English: Erkin sowed an early crop.
French: Erkin a semé une culture précoce.
Original: Eshik oldida buloq, buloqdan suv ichar uloq, uloqcham uzun quloq.
English: A spring in front of the door (house), my kid with long ears quenches his thirst.
French: Une source devant la porte (maison), mon chevreau aux oreilles longues s’y désaltère.
Original: G‘ani g‘ildirakni g‘izillatib g‘ildiratdi, g‘ildirakni G‘ani g‘ildiratib g‘izillatdi.
English: Ghani rolls the wheel; it is Ghani who rolled this wheel.
French: Ghani roule la roue, c’est Ghani qui a roulé cette roue.
Original: G‘uj g‘ujum ustida chug‘urlashib, g‘ujqa g‘ujum cho‘qilatmaydi.
English: The flock of sparrows chirping on a bunch of grapes does not let another flock of sparrows poke the bunch.
French: La volée de moineaux en gazouillant sur une grappe de raisin ne laisse pas une autre volée de moineaux piquer la grappe
Original: Gulnora Gulmiraning singlisimi, Gulmira Gulnoraning singlisimi?
English: Is Gulnora Gulmira's younger sister or Gulmira is Gulnora's younger sister?
French: Est-ce que Gulnora est la soeur cadette de Gulmira ou Gulmira est la soeur cadette de Gulnora?
Original: Gulsara gul saralab, gul sanadi.
English: Gulsara counted the flowers by choosing them.
French: Gulsara a compté les fleurs en les choisissant.
Original: Halim hil-hil pishdi.
English: Halim (boiled wheat and meat) is well cooked.
French: Halim (bouillie de blé et de viande) est bien cuit.
Original: Halima hammasini hazm qildi.
English: Halima has digested everything.
French: Halima a digéré tout.
Original: Halimani sanama, Salimani sana.
English: Do not count Halima, but count Salima.
French: Ne compte pas Halima, mais compte Salima.
Original: Ikki ayiq qayiqqa qaradi, oq ayiq oldin qaradimi, qora ayiq oldin qaradimi?
English: Two bears looked at (noticed) the boat, it was the first bear who looked at it first or second?
French: Deux ours ont regardé (remarqué) le bateau, c’est le premier ours qui l’a regardé premier ou le deuxième?
Original: Jamila jiydani joyiga joyladi.
English: Jamila placed the jujube in its place.
French: Jamila a placé le jujube à sa place.
Original: Javlonbek jajji Jo‘rabek bilan jo‘ra, jajji Jo‘rabek Javlonbek bilan jo‘ra.
English: Javlonbek is friends with little Jo'rabek and little Jo'rabek is friends with Javlonbek.
French: Javlonbek est ami avec le petit Jo‘rabek et le petit Jo‘rabek est ami avec Javlonbek.
Original: Jo‘ja cho‘chib, go‘ja cho‘qir.
English: The chick eagerly bites grains of sorghum.
French: Le poussin becquète d’une manière craintive des grains de sorgho.
Original: Jo‘ra jo‘rga jo‘r bo‘ldi.
English: Jo'ra joined the lark (to sing).
French: Jo‘ra s’est joint à l’alouette (pour chanter).
Original: Jo‘rabek bilan Javlon, juda jo‘ra jonajon.
English: Jo'rabek and Javlon, they are very friends.
French: Jo‘rabek et Javlon, ils sont très amis.
Original: Juvarini chumchuq yeb ketdi. Egasi ertaga kelaman deb ketdi. Kelmay ketgur ko‘r chumchuq, juvarini egasi kelguncha vayron qilib ketdi.
English: The sparrow came and ate the sorghum. His owner left to return the next day. Why did he come, this sparrow, to be blind? He demolishes the sorghum until the owner comes.
French: Le moineau vint et mangea le sorgho. Son propriétaire partit pour rentrer le lendemain. Pourquoi il vint, ce moineau, qu’il soit aveugle. Il démolit le sorgho jusqu’à ce que le propriétaire vienne.
Original: Komil, Kamol kamalak ko‘rdi.
English: Komil, Kamol saw the rainbow. (Komil, Kamol saw the rainbow.)
French: Komil, Kamol a vu l’arc-en-ciel. (Komil, Kamol ont vu l’arc-en-ciel.)
Original: Lola arralaydi, Sora allalaydi.
English: Lola saw, Sora sings a lullaby.
French: Lola scie, Sora chante une berceuse.
Original: Mashhura moshxo‘rdani shoshib shimirdi.
English: Mashhura took his mosh soup (kind of lens) in a hurry.
French: Mashhura a pris sa soupe aux mosh (espèce de lentille) à la hâte.
Original: Mavluda hovlida hovliqib tirubdi.
English: In the courtyard Mavluda in the precipitated area.
French: Dans la cour Mavluda à l’aire précipité.
Original: Metalchi Mutal metalli detal yasadi.
English: Metallurgist Mutal made a metal object.
French: Le métallurgiste Mutal a fabriqué un objet en métal.
Original: Moshdan tosh, toshdan mosh bo‘lmas.
English: One can not have the mosh (kind of lens) of the stone and the stone of the mosh.
French: On ne peut pas avoir le mosh (espèce de lentille) de la pièrre et la pierre du mosh.
Original: Namanganda usta Musa puch pistafurush bor ekan. O‘sha usta Musa puch pistafurushning oltmish uch pud puch pistasi bor ekan. Oltmish uch pud puch pistasi bo‘lsa ham o‘sha usta Musa puch pistafurush, oltmish uch pud puch pistasi bo‘lmasa ham o‘sha usta Musa puch pistafurush.
English: In Namangan there is a skillful pistachio crapper named Musa. This Musa, a skillful pistachio rotten trader, has 63 poodles of pistachio rotten. Even though he has 63 poodles of pistachio rotten, he is Musa, a skillful pistachio rotten merchant, even if he does not have 63 poodles of pistachio rotten, he is still this Musa, a skillful pistachio rotten merchant.
French: A Namangan il y a un habile marchand de pourries pistaches qui s’appelle Musa. Ce Musa, habile marchand de pourries pistaches, a 63 pouds de pourries pistaches. Même s’il a 63 pouds de pourries pistaches, il est Musa, habile marchand de pourries pistaches, même s’il n’a pas 63 pouds de pourries pistaches, il est toujours ce Musa, habile marchand de pourries pistaches. (poud=16 kg)
Original: Namanganlik To‘lagan to‘la lagan handalak yegan.
English: To'lagan de Namangan ate a dish full of handalak (early melon species).
French: To‘lagan de Namangan mangea un plat plein de handalak (espèce de melon précoce).
Original: Niyoz piyoz archdi, Fayoz piyoz artdi; Piyozdan Niyozning ko‘zi achidimi, Fayoznikimi?
English: Niyoz peeled from the oighnon, Fayoz cleaned onion; It is Niyoz or Fayoz who cried under the influence of the onion?
French: Niyoz éplucha de l'oighnon, Fayoz nettoya de l'oignon; C'est Niyoz ou bien Fayoz qui pleura sous l'effet de l'oignon?
Original: Nodir novvoyxonadagi novvoydan non oldi.
English: Nodir bought bread from the bakery.
French: Nodir acheta du pain au boulanger de la boulangerie.
Original: Non yasashasizmi, sholi sanashasizmi?
English: Will you help us bake bread or count rice?
French: Allez-vous nous aider à cuire du pain ou à compter le riz?
Original: Norning nordon anori narida.
English: Nor's sour pomegranate and beyond.
French: La grenade aigrelette de Nor et plus loin.
Original: Norvoy novvoy non yopar, nonin novvot deb sotar.
English: The baker Norvoy bakes bread and sells it saying that it is candy sugar.
French: Le boulanger Norvoy cuit du pain et il les vend en disant que c’est du sucre candi.
Original: O‘tkir o‘tkir o‘roqda o‘t o‘rdi.
English: O'tkir mowed herbs with a sharp sickle.
French: O‘tkir faucha des herbes avec une faucille aiguisée.
Original: Olma shoxida olmaxon, olmaxonni olma, Olmaxon.
English: In the branches of the apple tree there is a squirrel, do not take this squirrel, Olmaxon.
French: Dans les branches du pommier il y a un écureuil, ne prend pas cet écureuil, Olmaxon.
Original: Oltin o‘tloq - oq o‘tloq.
English: Golden pasture - white pasture.
French: Le paturage doré - le paturage blanc.
Original: Oq choynakka oq qopqoq, ko‘k choynakka ko‘k qopqoq.
English: White lid for a white teapot, blue lid for a blue teapot.
French: Couvercle blanc pour une théière blanche, couvercle bleu pour une théière bleue. (Couvercle blanc couvre une théière blanche, couvercle bleu couvre une théière bleue)
Original: Oq tosh oqmi, qora tosh oqmi?
English: Is it the white stone that is white or the black stone that is white?
French: Est-ce la pierre blanche qui est blanche ou la pierre noire qui est blanche?
Original: Oqil oq olma oldi, oq olmani Oqil oldi.
English: It's the white apple that Okil took and it's Oqil who took this white apple.
French: C’est la pomme blanche qu’Oqil a pris et c’est Oqil qui a pris cette pomme blanche.
Original: Osh pashshasi pes pashsha.
English: The fly of meals is an ugly fly.
French: La mouche des repas ets une mouche vilaine.
Original: Osmonda ikkita kalxat. Birining oq dumi kalta kalxat, birining qora dumi kalta kalxat. Oq dumi kalta kalxat qora dumi kalta kalxatga xalaqit beradi, qora dumi kalta kalxat oq dumi kalta kalxatga xalaqit beradi.
English: In heaven there are two kites. One is a kite with a short white tail, the other is a kite with a short black tail. The kite with a short white tail prevents the kite from having a short black tail and the kite with a short black tail prevents the kite from having a short whitetail.
French: Au ciel il y a deux milans. L’un est un milan à une courte queue blanche, l’autre est un milan à une courte queue noire. Le milan à une courte queue blanche empèche le milan à une courte queue noire et le milan à une courte queue noire empèche le milan à une courte queue blanche.
Original: Ovchi ovloqda ovin ovlar.
English: The hunter hunts his game on the hunt.
French: Le chasseur chasse son gibier à la chasse.
Original: Oydin oydinda oyisidan oldinladi.
English: Oydin passed his mother in the moonlight.
French: Oydin dépassa sa mère au claire de lune.
Original: Oyga poyga, poyga oyga.
English: The race in the moon, the race to the moon.
French: La course dans la lune, la course vers la lune.
Original: Qalin qorga qora qarg‘a zo‘rg‘a qo‘ndi, ana qara.
English: The black raven barely landed on the snow, look.
French: Le corbeau noir s’est posé à peine sur la neige, regarde.
Original: Qirg‘ovul qirg‘oqdamas, qiryoqda.
English: The pheasant is not on the shore, but it is on the hill.
French: Le faisan n’est pas sur la rive, mais il est sur la colline.
Original: Qishda kishmish pishmasmish, pishsa kishmish qishmasmish.
English: In winter we do not dry grapes, if we dry, it is not winter.
French: En hiver on fait pas sécher du raisin, si l'on fait sécher, ce n'est pas l’hiver. (En hiver le raisin ne se sèche pas, si le raisin se sèche, ce n'est pas l’hiver.)
Original: Qishda qatiq qattiq qotib qolibdi.
English: In winter the curd is well curdled.
French: En hiver le lait caillé est bien caillé.
Original: Qo‘ng‘iroq qo‘zichoqnikimi, qo‘g‘irchoqnikimi?
English: The doorbell is lamb or doll.
French: La sonnette est à l'agneau ou à la poupée.
Original: Qo‘sh qo‘lqop, qo‘shovi ham bo‘sh qo‘lqop.
English: A pair of mittens, both of them is empty.
French: Un paire de moufle, tous les deux sont vides.
Original: Qodir qishda qorni qizg‘andi.
French: Qodir lésina (économisa) sur la neige.
Original: Qurbaqa qurillaydi, chigirtka chirillaydi.
English: The frog croak, the cricket sizzles
French: La grenouille croassent, le grillon grésille.
Original: Qurilishda burilish, burilishda qurilish.
English: The construction has undergone a turn, in the turning is a construction.
French: La construction a subit un tournant, dans le tournant se trouve une construction.
Original: Quvondiqning qovun qoqisi Qovunchidan.
English: The dry melon of Quvondiq is from (comes from) Qovunchi.
French: Le melon sec de Quvondiq est de (provient de) Qovunchi.
Original: Salim sochiqqa sochini artdi.
English: Salim wiped his hair with a towel.
French: Salim s'essuya les cheveux avec une serviette.
Original: Salimning sadadagi sap-sariq sa’vasi sahar sayraydi.
English: The yellow goldfinch of Salim that lands on the elm sings at dawn.
French: Le chardonneret tout jaune de Salim qui se pose sur l’orme chante à l'aube.
Original: Samarqand soyida sasigan sabzini sotgan savdogarga sakkiz ming sakkiz yuz sakson sakkiz so‘m soliq solinsin.
English: That it be subject to a tax of eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight soums, the merchants who sold rotten carrots on the edge of the Samarkand Canal.
French: Qu’il soit soumis à une taxe de huit mille huit cent quatre-vingt huit soums, ce marchands qui a vendu des carrottes pourries au bord du canal de Samarcande
Original: San’at saroyi - saroylarning sarasi.
English: The arts palace is the best palace.
French: Le palais des arts est le meilleur des palais.
Original: Sayyora sabzini savatga soldi.
English: Sayyora put the carrot in the basket.
French: Sayyora a mis la carotte dans le panier.
Original: Sevara savatchaga sedana soldimi?
English: Did Sevara put some nigella in the basket?
French: Est-ce que Sevara a mis de la nigelle dans le panier?
Original: Shahrisabzlik Shohista Shahrixonga shoshildi.
English: Shohista of Shahrisabz sprawled in Shahrixon.
French: Shohista de Shahrisabz se dépécha à Shahrixon.
Original: Shamol shovullab shovqin soldi, shalpangquloq qo‘rqqanidan shataloq otib qoldi.
English: The wind noise whistles, for fear long ear (donkey) ran off at full gallop.
French: Le vent bruit en sifflent, de peur longue oreille (âne) s’est enfuit au grand galop.
Original: Shokir sholipoyada shaqildoqni shaqillatdi.
English: Shokir nodded the rattle in the rice field.
French: Shokir a hoché le hochet dans la rizière.
Original: Shol g‘am yesa, kofir bo‘ladi.
English: If the paralyzed gets sad, he becomes kafir.
French: Si le paralysé se chagrine, il devient kafir.
Original: Shotursunning shotutini shitirlatgan shamol Sharifning shaftolisini shitirlatdi.
English: The wind that crackled (cracked) Shotursun Mulberry, crackled Sharif's peach.
French: Le vent qui a crépité (craqué) le mûrier de Shotursun, a crépité le pêcher de Sharif.
Original: Shovotli Shukurjonning sho‘r sho‘rvasi Shoiraning sho‘r sho‘rvasidan ham sho‘r.
English: Shovot's highly salty Sukurjon soup is much saltier than Shoira's highly salty soup.
French: La soupe fortement salée de Sukurjon de Shovot est beaucoup plus salée que la soupe fortement salée de Shoira.
Original: Shu mushuk, shum mushuk, shumshuk mushuk.
English: This cat, this cunning cat, this odious cat.
French: Ce chat, ce chat rusé, cet odieux chat.
Original: Soat soatini soatsozga sozlatdi.
English: Soat had his watch repaired by the watchmaker.
French: Soat a fait réparer sa montre chez l’horloger.
Original: Sotvoldi bosvoldi qovun sotib oldi.
English: Sotvoldi bought the melon bosvoldi (melon species).
French: Sotvoldi a acheté le melon bosvoldi (espèce de melon).
Original: Sovuqda tovuqqa tovoqda bodroq sochdim.
English: In the cold (When it was cold), I gave chicken popcorn in a dish.
French: Au froid (Quand il a fait froid) j’ai donnée du pop-corn à la poule dans un plat.
Original: Sovuqda tustovuq sovuq qotdi.
English: In the cold the pheasant took cold.
French: Au froid le faisan a pris froid.
Original: Temirchi Temirni topdimi, Temir temirchini topdimi?
English: Did the blacksmith find Temir or Temir found the blacksmith?
French: Est-ce que le forgeron a trouvé Temir ou Temir a trouvé le forgeron?
Original: Tez aytishni tez-tez ayt.
English: Quickly pronounce the tongue twister.
French: Prononce rapidement le virelangue.
Original: To‘lqin turpni to‘rda to‘pladi.
English: To'lqin has amassed the green radish at the bottom.
French: To‘lqin a amassé le radis vert au fond.
Original: To‘ti tutgan to‘rtta to‘ti to‘rda turibdi.
English: The four parrots caught by To'ti are in the cage.
French: Les quatre perroquets attrapés par To‘ti sont dans la cage.
Original: Tog‘ning tagida Turg‘unning to‘rtta traktori tirillap tirillap turibdi.
English: At the foot of the mountain, four tractors from Turgun make tr-r-r …
French: Au pied de la montagne quatre tracteurs de Turgun font tr-r-r-r-r…
Original: Tohir To‘lqinning to‘nidan tortdimi, Tohirning to‘nidan To‘lqin tortdimi?
English: Was it Tohir who shot To'lqin's coat or To'lqin who pulled Tohir's coat?
French: C'est Tohir qui a tiré du manteau de To‘lqin ou c’est To‘lqin qui a tiré du manteau de Tohir?
Original: Tojining tojdor xo‘rozi gultojixo‘roz tagida.
English: The crested hull of Toji is under the crest-of-hull.
French: La coque crêtée de Toji est sous la crête-de-coque.
Original: Tolib tandir tagidan tanga topdi.
English: Tolib found a change under the bread oven.
French: Tolib a trouvé une monnaie sous le four à pain.
Original: Tolib tog‘a tog‘dan to‘rtta tulki tutdi.
English: Uncle Tolib has caught four foxes in the mountains.
French: L'oncle Tolib a attrapé quatre renards à la montagne.
Original: Tolib turpni tarozida tortib topshirdi.
English: Tolib delivered green radish after weighing on a scale.
French: Tolib a livré le radis vert après avoir pesé sur une balance.
Original: Tosh jonsizmi, mosh toshsizmi?
English: Is the stone inanimate or the mosh (kind of lens) is without a stone?
French: Est-ce que la pierre est inanimée ou bien le mosh (espèce de lentille) est sans pièrre?
Original: Toshpo‘lat tajangning tog‘olchali tog‘orasi tog‘da turibdi.
English: The basin full of cherries Toshpo'lat the angry is in the mountains.
French: La bassine pleine de cerises de Toshpo‘lat le coléreux est à la montagne.
Original: Toshpo‘lat tog‘am tog‘da tog‘olcha terdi.
English: My uncle Toshpo'lat picked cherries in the mountains.
French: Mon oncle Toshpo‘lat a cueilli des cerises à la montagne.
Original: Tubsiz dengiz dedingizmi, dengiz tengsiz dedingizmi?
English: Did you say that the sea was deep or the sea was uneven?
French: Avez-vous dit que la mer était profonde ou la mer était inégale?
Original: Turdi tunda o‘nta to‘nka terdi.
English: Turdi night picked up ten stumps.
French: La nuit Turdi a ramassé dix souche.
Original: Tursunda to‘rtta to‘r qop; Unsinda bitta qo‘lqop bor.
English: Tursun has four net bags, Unsin has a mitt.
French: Tursun a quatre sac en filet, Unsin a un moufle.
Original: Tyan-Shan tog‘ining tagida Tursun tog‘aning traktori tirillab turibdi.
English: At the foot of Tian-Chan Mountain, Uncle Tursun's tractor is making a great f …
French: Au pied de la montagne Tian-Chan le tracteur de l’oncle Tursun fait tr-r-r-r-r…
Original: Yo‘lda Yo‘ldoshga yo‘lbars yo‘liqdi.
English: On the road Yo'ldosh fell on a tiger.
French: Sur la route Yo‘ldosh est tombé sur un tigre.
Original: Yugurik yumronqoziq yulg‘undan-yulg‘unga yumalab-yumalab yugurdi.
English: The ground squirrel ran from one tamarisk to another.
French: Le spermophile leste a couru en roulant d’un tamaris à l’autre.
Original: Ayol qo'shiqchilarni boshqaruvchisi
English: The woman who manages the songbirds
Original: Ayollar shoshilarni tikib o'tiradilar
English: Women sew buttons on the seeds
Original: Xotirjam shox va qalxo'm
English: Eat a shoe and choke on it
Original: O'tirgan qog'ozni o'tir
English: Take the paper that was put away and put it away again
Original: Besh xotirjam besh xotin
English: Five eaters, five women
Original: Xotirjam qo'lingni qo'lingga qo'y
English: Eat your hand with your hand
Original: Xotirjam shox va qalxo'm, o'ng qo'shiqchining qo'shiqini eshit
English: Eat a shoe and choke on it, listen to the song of the left songbird
Original: Xotirjam qo'lingni qo'lingga qo'y, o'ng qo'shiqchining qo'shiqini eshit, o'tirgan qog'ozni o'tir
English: Eat your hand with your hand, listen to the song of the left songbird, take the paper that was put away and put it away again