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Original: Zaka zulu buka baju nampak bulu.
English: The guy opens the shirt (so that you) can see hair.
Original: Amaxoxo ayaxokozela exoxa ngoxamu exhibeni.
English: The frogs are talking loudly about the monitor lizard.
Original: Ingqeqebulane yaqaqela uqhoqhoqho, uqhoqhoqho waqaqela iqaqa, iqaqa laqalaza.
English: The expert talker loosened up for the trachea, the trachea loosened up for the polecat, and the zorilla (polecat) looked around in amazement.
Original: UShabalala washabalala neshumi losheleni emshinini kashukela eshashalazini laseShowe.
English: Mr. Shabalala disappeared with one Rand at the sugar factory in the valley of eShowe.
Original: UCele ucambalele ocansini ucabanga ngecebo lokuciba ucilo ngomcibisholo.
English: Mr. Cele is lying on a (grass) mat thinking about a plan to hurl a spear at a lark.
Original: Isilinganiso sesintu sesifana nesifanayo
English: Differences among people are like differences among fingers
Original: Ukulala kwethu kwelanga likaJama
English: Our sleep during the day is like that of a Jama
Original: Izinhlelo zokulala zamagugu ezihlukahlukene
English: Different bed arrangements for different clans
Original: Uthando lwethu lwenqaba njalo
English: Our love never fades
Original: Izintaba zihle zigcwale iqhwa
English: Beautiful hills nurture the oxen