There are many significant elements in ribosome subunits that complete certain functional and structural tasks. Some of them have particular similar characteristics while understanding the differences between ribonucleic acids (RNAs) cannot be ignored. For example, 16S rRNA, also known as 16s ribosomal RNA, is one of the major components within the 30s prokaryotic ribosome subunit responsible for stabilizing the local translation mechanism. 18S rRNA or 18s ribosomal RNA is an element in the 40s eukaryotic ribosomal subunit, the major function of which is related to the work of the translational mechanism in eukaryotes. Thus, the difference between the chosen rRNAs is the cell structure in which these components are located.
Today, much attention is paid to the characteristics of eukaryotic and prokaryotic ribosomal systems. The effect of inhibiting protein translation processes in the prokaryotic system is stronger than in the eukaryotic system (Sabbavarapu et al., 2018). It may be explained by the fact that the number of ribosomes in eukaryotes exceeds the number of ribosomes in prokaryotes. The length of the 16S rRNA gene is about 1500bp, and the 18S rRNA is shorter (no more than 600 bp). Although 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA are located in the cytoplasm, the differences in the systems exist because 16S rRNA is in the prokaryotic ribosome and 18S rRNA is in the eukaryotic ribosome (Sabbavarapu et al., 2018). In addition, the chosen RNAs are involved in different identification processes: the 16 rRNA gene plays a critical role in bacterial species identification, while the 18s rRNA gene determines fungal identification.
In general, learning the differences between 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA is a good opportunity to understand how structural components function and cooperate. Despite specific similarities between 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA, like the placement (the cytoplasm), the composition (genes with sequences), and functioning (the translation mechanism), the differences should be mentioned in the phylogenetic analysis. The length, occurrence, and identification characteristics are never the same for 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA.
Sabbavarapu, N. M., Pieńko, T., Zalman, B. H., Trylska, J., & Baasov, T. (2018). Exploring eukaryotic versus prokaryotic ribosomal RNA recognition with aminoglycoside derivatives. MedChemComm, 9(3), 503-508. Web.