Accessibility to Safe Drinking Water Essay

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Everyone should have access to safe drinking water. It is possible to address the issues that prevent certain people from accessing safe drinking water. The people face challenges as they live in overcrowded slums in urban areas and in refugee camps. There are others who live in the rural areas of the developing countries which are greatly poverty-stricken. Unfortunately, they have no political power to ensure that their right to safe drinking water is enforced.

The leaders have neglected to provide resources for them to access safe drinking water. These people are estimated to be about one billion in the world (Global Water, 2010). International organizations are penetrating these countries and with the financial assistance of donors, they are providing resources for these people in order for them to live a healthy life. There is underground water in even the most arid areas and the government and the international community can assist by digging wells for these communities.

Water shortage and Food Supply

Food supply and water shortage are inter-related. The population has been rapidly increasing causing the demand for food to also increase. In those areas where there is water scarcity, they are not able to participate in agricultural activities. The crop life withers and dies. The livestock also die due to hunger.

There is also the adverse effect on the population. The people become weak and are not even able to participate in farming. Others get water-borne diseases such as cholera and typhoid from utilizing water that is dirty. The limited crop produce that the community could have harvested is not even harvested well due to decreased labour. It is estimated that over three million people suffer and die from water-borne diseases annually (, 2012). As the water shortage increases, there will be growing food insecurity in the world.

Addressing the global water shortage

It is possible to ease the global water shortage especially in the developing countries. There are cost-effective ways to do it. It is not enough for the governments to provide food for the poor people but it is important to equip them with the resources to access clean water and participate in farming. This will cause them to stop utilizing dirty water for their activities. There are two main ways to address the problems.

The first is to dig wells in the rural and arid areas to aid the people to have access to water. The other alternative is to treat water and use it in the home. The increasing population in the world requires water saving measures to be applied. There are technologies available to ensure high water quality. The harmful micro-organisms and chemical contaminants are removed. The people can also be educated on efficient and safe distribution techniques to ensure the water does not become dirty.

Environmental challenges and water shortage

In periods of water shortages the environment is adversely affected. When it comes to the ecosystem, there will be animal and plant life unable to survive in certain areas. The drought makes it hard to grow certain crops. Animals will travel long distances to look for areas where they can find water.

The change in the ecosystem affects the other animals which rely on the animals and crops as food creating imbalance (World Water Council, 2012). It is therefore important for governments and other international organizations to address the water shortage problems.

Works Cited

Global Water. Why Water. 2010. Web.

Water. . 2012. Web.

World Water Council. . 2012. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, November 20). Accessibility to Safe Drinking Water.

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"Accessibility to Safe Drinking Water." IvyPanda, 20 Nov. 2018,


IvyPanda. (2018) 'Accessibility to Safe Drinking Water'. 20 November.


IvyPanda. 2018. "Accessibility to Safe Drinking Water." November 20, 2018.

1. IvyPanda. "Accessibility to Safe Drinking Water." November 20, 2018.


IvyPanda. "Accessibility to Safe Drinking Water." November 20, 2018.

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