“Aeneid” by Virgil and “The Godfather” by Coppola Essay

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There is a profound difference and similarity between the Aeneid and Godfather plots and their meaning to human society. The core factor that influences individual behavior is cultural practices and beliefs. In this case, it is evident that there is a philosophical element of power dynamics across the two stories. On the one hand, godfather postulates that “a man who doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man”. On the other hand, Aeneas is committed to take the Trojans to safety and settle down in Rome. The Aeneid and Godfather foster a significant insight concerning the effect of democracy and authoritarianism on the perception among personnel.

Comparison of The Aeneid and The Godfather

The Godfather, 1972 is considered one of the pioneer-colored films in cinematography. The film is based on themes of crime, drama, and family. The utilization of the color pallets in the film seeks to elicit the relationship between the different thematic constructs. It is a storyline concerning the life of a Godfather and a gang leader. Don as the Godfather is characterized by the color pallet of red, black, and white. Red is a representation of romance, love, blood and its utility to the Godfather character is centric to the family love. The godfather affirms his subconsciousness through a statement that “Drugs is a dirty business and it is offensive for my friends in politics to notice”. In this case, the character’s interests are ideally aligned to the protection of his family, and the color contrast significantly draws that necessary attention. The use of color in this film aims at enhancing the lethal interaction between the character of Don and the environment.

In a different perspective, the colour pallet plays a significant role in the transitions of arcs in the movie plot. The film basically applies three key color tones: mahogany, orange, and sienna. In the opening scene of a dialogue between Bonasera and Don, the room is representative of a suspenseful mood mainly because of the color contrast between the red rose and a blend of orange and black. However, the color pallet mix changes as a symbolism of the alteration of the arc towards the daughter’s wedding. The transformation involves the elimination of the dark contrast to a revelation of the blend of orange, mahogany, and sienna. In addition, the tones of the color contribute to the style of the movie and the eliciting of psychological impressions of the audience. Although there is lack of color contrasts in Aeneid, the author prominently utilizes the concept of dynamic behavioral responses and overviews. Therefore, overviews from one god gets feedback from another god with a different response. The incorporation of color pallets and characterization has profoundly promoted the appealing nature of film production and prose in poetry.

The baptism is one of the contrasting scenes in the movie mainly as a result of events that occur simultaneously. The Corleone family struggles to balance between family life and gangster dealings. However, the godfather strives to balance power and leadership but results in violence, such as the occurrence during the baptism of the Godfather’s nephew. The rhythm of the scene entails significantly intricate cuts of action, religious, and family moments. The baptism scene is an ideology that also contributes to the development of Godfather’s character. The primary role of a Godfather involves mentoring the household towards righteousness. The godfather demonstrates responsibility and commitment to the family by attending church services despite the controversial solutions with business competitors and enemies.

Godfather is a character featured as a leader fostering the necessity to establish superiority across gangster society. The baptism event is preceded by a uniform beat rhythm in the scene while the Reverend baptizes Godfather’s nephew. The uniform beat changes its form with the scene’s shift to the family heads and the murder plots. The role of the beat’s harmony entails the ability to alter the audience’s mood from a religious perspective to the other life of Godfather’s family. According to the Godfather, there is no peace without violence, and in this case, he asserts that there is no righteousness without violence. It is affirmative from godfather’s perspective that “a friend should always underestimate your virtues and an enemy overestimate your faults”. The film editing strategically merges the scenes as a spectrum to articulate the significance of family values. The killing of the heads of the family while the Godfather’s nephew is baptized indicates that the family takes precedence despite the mobster’s life.

The editing features a smooth and hard cut of the baptism scene to enhance the overlapping scenes’ relevance. An excellent example is in the first murder scene involving the shooting of mobsters’ heads in an elevator. The film prominently constitutes quotes from the godfather that demonstrates the necessity of prioritizing family matters over business. The godfather articulates that “I raised my daughter in the American fashion, gave her the freedom but also taught her to honour her family”. It is evident to the main character that household affairs precede gangster matters. Aeneas offers the Trojans an opportunity to settle down in different cities or volunteer to go to war with the enemies. There is a proficient interrelation between Aeneas and the godfather under the spectrum of separating personal and public life among the counterparts.

In contemporary society, righteousness refers to reconciling with the enemy and living harmoniously. However, Godfather’s character involves using fear to defeat the enemy by killing the other family heads. At least five family leaders were murdered while the Godfather took an oath to live by the Bible’s rule. The godfather stipulates that “Revenge is a dish best served cold”. The statement demonstrates the profound essence of the gangster leader to establish relations based on the necessity of associations and mutual reliance.

The baptism scene enhances the character development of the Godfather and the moral values upheld in the mobster’s life. Despite the attempt to enforce a peaceful family life, the Godfather results in violence as the avenue to achieve the balance. In a different spectrum, the contrasting scenes assert the future of the Godfather’s nephew that involves protecting the dynasty from the competitors. In this case, religious values encompass protecting the family’s lives while the moral values enshrine killing the competitors to uphold peace.

Aeneas attempts to establish a separate link between family affairs and leadership but realizes the hurdle fosters significant difficulty. According to Aeneas, it was his right and mandate to take the throne based on the prophecy and marry the queen. Juno, however, learned of the prophecy concerning the destruction of Carthage city and optimally distracted Aeneas from achieving the foretold fortune. There is a prominent similarity between Aeneas’ vision and Godfather’s intentions. Although relatives provided barriers towards attaining the primary purpose, the two main characters use violence to restore their dominance. An excellent example is Aeneas coordinating attacks against the Greeks. The Trojans launched an assault towards their counterparts to clear the hindrance to gain freedom and power. One demonstration that renders the experience is the baptism scene in The Godfather. Despite appreciating family relations, the gangster leader coordinates the killings of his enemies and competitors during the occasion. There is an apt indication of the consequences for the contrast between the entities as the executive persons detach business from household matters.

Both leaders optimally use authoritarian rule to attain power and control across the populace. In this case, both entities exploit violent aspects to eliminate threats and competitors as a means of attaining the dictatorial level of association. On the one hand, the Godfather ensures the balance between gang-related deals and the recognition of blood connection among their counterparts. Aeneas, however, focuses on the mother’s love and prophecy to achieve the central role assigned as the futuristic conqueror. Notably, both characters show charisma due to the use of democracy in situations demanding commitment and higher livelihood risks.

There is a core distinction between filming and poetry since the Aeneid demonstrates a dynamic transition based on the plot. The author focuses on the illustration of critical characters with minimal differential factors in relation to human behavior. Although the story revolves around supernatural entities, there is a profound correlation to the events within the society concerning violence and thirst for power. The prophecy of Aeneas taking the throne and destroying Juno’s home village triggers distinctive conflicts to achieve the main aim of protecting sovereignty. Brutality is an approach that prominently affects the living quotient among people. As a result, it is essential to establish initiatives that render relevance towards the interdependent relationship on social equity and leadership charisma. The poem features a narrative in prose form to capture the audience’s attention.

Leadership is an initiative that dynamically influences peaceful coexistence among people. According to the poem, Aeneas’s duty to strive for power based on the prophecy and the lack of achieving the goal risked significant negative consequences. The superstitious construct rendered the strains from different parties using violent tactics to protect the sovereignty and dignity of their status, such as Juno. However, the story plot further poses the essence of identifying enemy ties. The main reason encapsulates Aeneas’ ability to wage wars and win by establishing genuine allies’ relations. Aeneas’s perspective on power dynamics is similar to Godfather’s aspect in authoritarian rule. It is crucial to shed blood and offer freedom of choice to the loyal parties to earn respect.


In conclusion, there is a significant similarity between Aeneas and the Godfather’s character in the respective literature contexts. The analysis indicates that both entities utilize apt dictatorial and violent tactics to attain power and control among the populace. Therefore, the dynamics foster the adept aspect of human behavior based on the belief system. While the Godfather believes in the power of the family bond, Aeneas believes in the prophecy and the help from the gods. The Aeneid and Godfather foster a significant insight concerning the effect of democracy and authoritarianism on the perception among personnel. As a result, the counterparts face distinct hurdles that attribute to the imminent personality development.

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IvyPanda. (2023, May 17). "Aeneid" by Virgil and "The Godfather" by Coppola. https://ivypanda.com/essays/aeneid-by-virgil-and-the-godfather-by-coppola/

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""Aeneid" by Virgil and "The Godfather" by Coppola." IvyPanda, 17 May 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/aeneid-by-virgil-and-the-godfather-by-coppola/.


IvyPanda. (2023) '"Aeneid" by Virgil and "The Godfather" by Coppola'. 17 May.


IvyPanda. 2023. ""Aeneid" by Virgil and "The Godfather" by Coppola." May 17, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/aeneid-by-virgil-and-the-godfather-by-coppola/.

1. IvyPanda. ""Aeneid" by Virgil and "The Godfather" by Coppola." May 17, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/aeneid-by-virgil-and-the-godfather-by-coppola/.


IvyPanda. ""Aeneid" by Virgil and "The Godfather" by Coppola." May 17, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/aeneid-by-virgil-and-the-godfather-by-coppola/.

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