Afro-American Communities from Intersectionality Perspective Essay

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Nowadays, many groups of society remain marginalized and discriminated against. Intersectionality can illustrate this phenomenon since it is a term that describes the complex and interconnected nature of social identities and experiences (YW Boston, 2017). It is a system designed to benefit some and disadvantage others. While white communities are mainly treated equally, intersectionality shows that African American communities are discriminated against in terms of economic position.

The intersectionality system works for those who are privileged and disadvantages those who are not. In the case of middle-class African American people, the system works against them. While they may have some privileges compared to lower-class African American people, they are still disadvantaged compared to those who are upper-class or white (Dettlaff, 2020). This is because they face discrimination based on their race and class, which puts them at a disadvantage in many areas of life, such as education, employment, and housing. The intersectionality system can have a significant impact on families. For instance, middle-class African American households may find it difficult to pay for necessities such as groceries and accommodation yet have high wages to be eligible for government support programs (Dunne & Atrey, 2020). This can lead to financial stress and strain on the family, which can affect their overall well-being.

As someone who lives in a middle-class African American household, I have experienced the issues that come with this system. I have dealt with people who use their power to be overbearing and controlling, and I have seen how we are treated differently from those in the upper or lower class. We make too much money for food stamps but not enough to not be living paycheck to paycheck. This has led to financial insecurity and stress, which has affected my mental health and overall well-being. To make the intersectionality system more fair and equitable for everyone, changes need to be made. We need to address the root causes of discrimination based on race and class, such as unequal access to education and employment opportunities.

Hence, intersectionality demonstrates that African American groups face economic discrimination, unlike their white counterparts. The intersectionality system benefits the rich and penalizes the underprivileged. The system is biased against African Americans in the middle class. This is due to the prejudice they experience based on their color and class. What measures do you believe would be most successful in resolving the problems African American households in the middle-class face?


Dettlaff, A. J. (2020). Racial disproportionality and disparities in the child welfare system. Springer International Publishing.

Dunne, P., & Atrey, S. (2020). Intersectionality and human rights law. Bloomsbury Publishing.

YW Boston. (2017). Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 31). Afro-American Communities from Intersectionality Perspective.

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"Afro-American Communities from Intersectionality Perspective." IvyPanda, 31 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Afro-American Communities from Intersectionality Perspective'. 31 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Afro-American Communities from Intersectionality Perspective." May 31, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Afro-American Communities from Intersectionality Perspective." May 31, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Afro-American Communities from Intersectionality Perspective." May 31, 2024.

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