AGC Human Capital Management Essay

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Human capital management plays an integral role in the life cycle of any successful business venture. It can be defined as a set of practices concerning the management of the company’s human resources, including acquisition and optimization (D’Angelo, 2021). Meanwhile, a change management plan includes methods of leveraging organizational change through preparation, implementation, and follow-through stages (Stobierski, 2020). A thorough diagnosis should be carried out to discover the existing human capital management issues and determine the causes for their occurrence. Such a diagnosis is critical as the change management plan is based upon it and the discoveries made through the diagnosis.

Human Capital Management Problems at AGC

Currently, AGC experiences several human capital management issues that prevent the company from advancing in the market. The most significant issue is employee motivation and retention. Acquisition, retention, and motivation of employees are crucial for the organization’s success as qualified workers can propel its growth and development. The second human capital problem at AGC is employee dissatisfaction. This issue is the cause of low retention and lack of motivation among different worker groups. It also contributes to employees being neglectful of their responsibilities and low productivity (Di Fabio & Peiró, 2018). AGC’s last human capital issue is the lack of diversity among employees. Although it is important to ensure that human capital acquisition is based on qualifications, diversity is essential as it enhances the business through exposure to different views and experiences.

Data Collection Methods

Different data collection methods can be used to gather data on the existing human capital problems at AGC. Thus, data on the issues of low retention, motivation, and employee dissatisfaction can be collected via employee interviews and surveys (Currence, 2019). For example, exit interviews can help reveal reasons for leaving the company, while surveys help discover current issues or assess the effectiveness of the venture’s policies and programs (Currence, 2019). Data on the problem of insufficient diversity can be collected from the demographic data already available to the human resources (HR) department.

Drawing Conclusions from the Collected Data

The described data collection methods are expected to produce large data sets that require careful analysis. Thus, all exit interviews should be evaluated using thematic analysis to determine the lead causes for employees deciding to leave the company (Rouder et al., 2021). The given reasons can contribute to a better understanding of the company’s inability to prevent high turnover and will allow us to address it effectively in the future. Similarly, the data collected from surveys will be analyzed with the use of thematic analysis. This approach will allow noticing patterns in employee dissatisfaction with their place of work (Rouder et al., 2021). Conclusions on workforce diversity will be drawn from the data on the demographic composition of the employees. Specifically, data on employee ethnicity, sex, age, family status, and education will be taken into consideration.

Causes of AGC Human Capital Management Issues

In summary, AGC faces serious human capital management issues, including low retention, lack of motivation, employee dissatisfaction, and lack of diversity. Such issues as high turnover, dissatisfaction, and lack of initiative are interrelated and stem from the company’s failure to create a sense of loyalty among employees. In addition, employees are not provided with a development plan and do not consider AGC as an organization where they can progress and develop their skills. Furthermore, the lack of diversity among managerial staff and the continuous failure of the HR department to hire groups underrepresented in the company should be viewed as the primary reasons for AGC’s uniform workforce.


Currence, J. (2019). SHRM. Web.

D’Angelo, M. (2021). Business News Daily. Web.

Di Fabio, A., & Peiró, J. (2018). Sustainability, 10(7), 1–11. Web.

Rouder, J., Saucier, O., Kinder, R., & Jans, M. (2021). What to do with all those open-ended responses? Data visualization techniques for survey researchers. Survey Practice, 14(1), 1–9. Web.

Stobierski, T. (2020). What is organizational change management? Business Insights. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2023, May 2). AGC Human Capital Management.

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"AGC Human Capital Management." IvyPanda, 2 May 2023,


IvyPanda. (2023) 'AGC Human Capital Management'. 2 May.


IvyPanda. 2023. "AGC Human Capital Management." May 2, 2023.

1. IvyPanda. "AGC Human Capital Management." May 2, 2023.


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