Alcoholism and Related Issues: Treatment Plan Essay

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The main purpose of this paper is to craft a treatment plan for a patient with many health problems because of his habit of consuming alcohol excessively. The patient is trying to get help to recover and rectify poor health conditions through medical treatment and the support of his family (Perkinson 72). The treatment plan sheds light on his health problems to set short and long-term treatment goals. The diagnosis made on his health issues would include the patient’s medical history and all the descriptions of the events that may be responsible for his current medical health condition.

Client Name: Al Caholic

Problem statement

The client feels lethargic and thus, he could not keep his house tidy and maintained.

LTG: The patient should undertake an exercise in the future on alternate days and get naturally treated with fresh air to feel active.

STG: The patient needs to finish his rehabilitation program till the required period in accordance with his demand for a health condition.

Objectives: It is expected that the patient could feel better and return to his normal routine by adopting healthy activities.

Intervention: Assign the client to attend the counseling sessions at least 1x weekly for about four months.

Problem statement

The client has a problem concerning the development of strong or long-term relationships with people.

LTG: The client needs to finish his sessions with the psychiatrists in the first place and then get therapies with the help of his family.

STG: He needs to talk and share about his condition openly with his family members.

Objectives: To give him a better counseling session and understand his reasons and suggest solutions for his betterment.

Interventions: The client needs to attend the re-union programs and attend different events in the family and report to the counselor about them to assure his efforts in becoming social.

Problem statement

The patient claims to have a habit of sleep-walk and is afraid of harming himself.

LTG: It is suggested that the patient needs to get to the night school to get his license from the lead home inspectors and need to lose weight over time with healthy meals to get away with medical conditions that may cause him to sleepwalk.

STG: The patient should see a nutrition counselor get a guide for reducing weight.

Objectives: To plan a weekly diet chart to get the client into a habit of consuming a healthy diet and omit poor eating habits.

Interventions: Assign him to join an exercising group in a nearby park to work out early in the morning and discuss his issues with the other victims.

Problem statement

Patient having belly pain and sleepless nights may result in ending his job.

LTG: The client should complete the detox treatment by taking help from a professional.

STG: While getting treatment continued, the patient could just take mint-inhalers to relax him to control his craving for cigarettes.

Objectives: The patient needs individual counseling both by a close friend or family. The patient would discuss his codependency with his friend.

Intervention: The client needs to complete his treatments for the relieved belly-pain by 30-11-2014.

Problem statement

The patient could not sleep well because of the nightmares.

LTG: The patient needs to relive his family traditions and parents’ practices to feel better and remain connected with his people by the soul.

STG: The client needs to follow his medication routine and complete his treatment by following the schedule of counseling sessions.

Objectives: The client should get benefit from the biopsychosocial interview and attend counseling sessions 2x weekly.

Intervention: The client should finish his counseling sessions by 11-9-2014 to continue the morning exercise which is required for other treatments.

Works Cited

Perkinson, Robert R. Chemical Dependency Counseling: A Practical Guide. USA: SAGE Publications, 2011. Print

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IvyPanda. (2021, January 28). Alcoholism and Related Issues: Treatment Plan.

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"Alcoholism and Related Issues: Treatment Plan." IvyPanda, 28 Jan. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Alcoholism and Related Issues: Treatment Plan'. 28 January.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Alcoholism and Related Issues: Treatment Plan." January 28, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Alcoholism and Related Issues: Treatment Plan." January 28, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Alcoholism and Related Issues: Treatment Plan." January 28, 2021.

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