Amazon: The Marketing Approaches Coursework

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The promotional mix is one of the key marketing concepts around the world. According to Marshall and Johnston (2023), there are five main parts of the theory, which are called digital and social media marketing, advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and personal selling. The promotional mix is commonly used in integrated marketing communication, which helps to build strong relationships between employees, customers, and brands (Camilleri, 2017). Social media marketing is one of the key strategies for Amazon prime video, and they consider promoting their products and services via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and other popular platforms. The advertising of the company is effective as it is distributed on different platforms and stays less personalized. Additionally, the strategy of sales promotion is significant as Amazon prime video provides new customers with a 30-day free trial and attracts various coupons and discounts (Amazon prime video). The organization also allows clients to share their positive experiences and help to increase the level of PR. However, Amazon does not practice personal selling as it might become useless and costly.

Amazon prime video collects different films and serials provided by different producers and allows clients to have access by subscribing. This idea is close to the push strategy when the provider gives a ready product to the end user (Marshall & Johnston, 2023). However, push methods also connect intermediate channels that receive an offer of sales promotion from Amazon and build specific advertising campaigns to attract more potential members.

Amazon provides customers with a variety of products starting from food and finishing with films. The company’s marketing is efficient and forward-looking, and most of the work is done online using social media platforms (Johnson, 2018). Social media workers stay active every day and create new ways of attracting people without their physical attendance in specific locations where products can be advertised. It is also important for the company to respond to clients’ public comments. In case of a failure in a specific part of the video provision, like website problems, it may be easier for Amazon to recover. Amazon prime video makes announcements of upcoming films and keeps members interested in new products using fields on Instagram and Twitter.

Advertising execution in Amazon prime video can become successful digital world is expanding, and more people are staying online these days. For example, during COVID-19, people were forced to stay at home and self-isolate, making it more beneficial for the company to invest in social media advertising (Marshall & Johnston, 2023). I think that Amazon should continue executing its advertising approach to keep customers interested in the business. However, it is important to change advertising campaigns to ensure that members are not becoming upset about the service. Marshall and Johnston (2023) also mentioned that adjusting to Mac and PC plays a significant role in making it easier for customers to see the advertised content. Moreover, find it easy to use Amazon’s video service.

Amazon promotes its services on all platforms, and sales promotions are increasing due to this strategy. According to Camilleri (2017), by increasing the attention sent to public relations, the business attracts millions of new users of Amazon prime video. The business collects information provided by users, like feedback and comments, to increase publicity and build campaigns that can increase awareness based on current clients. The popularity of the Amazon marketplace helps to promote other services created by the company, and the easy use of the platform attracts new clients. Charities and social events also make people aware of the business’s existence, making it possible for the company to maintain relatively good sales and position in the market.


(n.d.). Web.

Camilleri, M. A. (2017). . Travel Marketing, Tourism Economics and the Airline Product, 85-103. Web.

Johnson, D. (2018). . Film Criticism, 42(2). Web.

Marshall, G. W., & Johnston, M. W. (2023). Marketing Management. Mc Graw Hill.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 8). Amazon: The Marketing Approaches.

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"Amazon: The Marketing Approaches." IvyPanda, 8 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Amazon: The Marketing Approaches'. 8 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Amazon: The Marketing Approaches." May 8, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Amazon: The Marketing Approaches." May 8, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Amazon: The Marketing Approaches." May 8, 2024.

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