The desire to succeed in life is quite familiar and natural for every person. People always strive for more in careers, personal lives, living conditions, and interests. Dreaming and planning for the future while subconsciously seeking societal recognition and approval is genuine. However, on the way to achieving the set goals, there are often obstacles that can be difficult to overcome and take a lot of time and resources. Steven R. Covey’s book “The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People” offers insight into goal setting and achievement, progressive communication, and the wisdom of adapting to change.
Main Body
Steven R. Covey consistently and accessible described the habits that will help gain more control over one’s life by directing resources in the right path. Habitual patterns are significant and can improve life and vice versa (Covey, 1991).
Be Proactive and Begin with the End in Mind
The first habit of a successful person in this book is to take the initiative. I fully agree that everyone is responsible for the decisions they make. While I sometimes lack persistence and courage, I proactively approach the opportunities that arise and do not miss my chance. Habit #2, “Begin with the end in mind,” means setting your final goal. I often visualize the absolute result of my dreams and plans and make mood boards to remember the matter’s importance.
Put First Things First
Speaking of the third habit, it is sometimes challenging to set priorities correctly when there are many tasks in life simultaneously. In my efforts to do everything at once, I need more consideration in allocating more and less prioritized tasks. Self-management skills are necessary for effective delegation and planning of personal and professional matters.
Think Win-Win
The essence of the fourth skill of highly successful people is to benefit from interpersonal interaction. I find it difficult to recall specific personal cases to confirm the principal’s actions in life. However, it is essential to cooperate and respect the work of others, and then all parties will benefit.
Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
Habit #5 relates to the previous one because it suggests communication as a basis. Once, I spoke to an audience that pretended to be listening, but everyone was thinking about their following speech. Thus, it resulted in inappropriate questions at the end and poor performances by others.
Consequently, the sixth habit suggests that a balanced work of participants brings a better outcome. I was lucky to work in great teams on various projects, and in the end, we achieved good results and lived up to all expectations. However, sometimes, it is more comfortable to work individually, so the need for synergy depends on the concept of the task.
Sharpen the Saw
The last skill of a successful person concerns the balance between work and rest. The belief that you need to work a lot is wrong. Instead, allowing oneself to rest and recover without fear of wasting precious time is vital. I once worked all night on a project and, in the morning, was so exhausted that I could not present it properly. Thus, I wasted my efforts by demanding too much of myself and not allowing my brain and body to rest.
In conclusion, Steven R. Covey’s book The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People provides valid information on planning, overcoming obstacles, and interacting with people to achieve a goal. The described skills should be used as advice, not clear guidelines, as each situation requires an individual approach. While the skills outlined by the author are not entirely universal, they are significant.
Covey, S. R. (1991). The seven habits of highly effective people. [PDF document] Web.