Starring in the Perfect Murder is Michael Douglas, David Suchet, Viggo Mortensen, and Gwyneth Paltrow. Michael Douglas a cold, multimillionaire whose value is diminishing plays as Steven Taylor and is husband to youthful Gwyneth Paltrow and their marriage doesn’t work well and this leads to Gwyneth having an extramarital affair with Viggo Mortensen who is one of the struggling artists who offers her with physical and emotional fulfillment. Steven, therefore, plots to have her wife murdered by her lover but unfortunately, his plans don’t succeed since the wife survives the perfectly planned murder forcing Steven to begin t cover up all his tracks so as not to be arrested and convicted. The movie is based on the Dial M for Murder stage play a remake by Alfred Hitchcock though there are several major differences between Dial M for Murder and the Perfect Murder which is likely to disappoint Hitchcock’s fans.
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Michael Douglas plays a perfect role in the movie. He acts like a slimy businessman frequently so well and you can’t actually doubt that he plots to exterminate his wife so that he can be the heir of her trust fund. Gwyneth Paltrow is repeatedly displayed as solid but not outstanding while Viggo Mortensen is a good actor and a combination of these three castors make the movie very thrilling. Besides the number of battles between the couple, Gwyneth eventually never gets hurt.
The location of the movies shows the disparities in the communities and society at large and the scenes are properly set and the central idea concerning the perfect murder is well transmitted to the audience but beyond that, it loses focus.
The most visible flaw that makes audiences doubt the perfect murder plot is far from being perfect is evidenced by one of the silly plots whereby Steven goes to Viggo’s apartment to get Gwyneth wedding ring so that to deter any evidence of their connection but neglects to do anything concerning the six-foot wide painting on the wife’s face. Other flaws in the movies include the idea of Steven hiring Mortensen as a hitman yet he was just a con artist, Steven also gives his wife a vague explanation about the missing key, the idea of Gwyneth going to the slum upon the mention of the missing key to act as a detective yet he had a mutual trust to the detective Karaman is a flaw because she could not protect her husband whom she suspected to have hired the hitman and the hilarious irony whereby Mortensen asks Steven whether he should continue screwing his wife after they met at the ferry. Another flaw is whereby Mortensen could have tried to con Steven by blackmailing him and get more money since he was a con artist instead of accepting to murder Steven’s wife.
The Perfect Murder. Web.