Rising unemployment, political violence, poverty, and environmental disasters have become major challenges for society, and they are largely the result of human activity. In this context, the question of the role of individuals in solving these problems becomes relevant. Should we be guided by a sense of common purpose and community spirit, or should we focus on self-interest and a market mentality? This essay analyzes both points of view and considers a possible balance in the role of man in the public sphere.
Benefits of Collective Efforts
In a world where many problems are caused by human activity, a sense of common purpose and community spirit can be effective tools for solving them. Setting a common goal allows us to unite people from different social, cultural, and economic backgrounds into one team to achieve specific goals. Civic spirit is seen in devotion to the common good and mutual aid. Such an approach can lead to the creation of initiatives aimed at reducing unemployment, improving the political situation, fighting poverty, and preventing environmental disasters.
History already proves that collective efforts can lead to significant changes in society. Considering recent changes, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, also called “Industry 4.0,” should be mentioned. Aquilani et al. (2020) state that “Industry 4.0 will lead to both important changes in societies and the adaptation to changing environments.” (p. 1). In the modern world, every innovative change “is more and more often realized with individuals as part of a “human-centered” society, which is consistent with the concept of Society 5.0” (Aquilani et al., 2020). It means that it can balance economic progress with solving societal issues.
Prevalence of Individualism
On the other hand, market mentality and self-interest are also crucial in today’s world. The market and consumption are the engines of economic growth, and providing a good life for yourself and your family is one of the key goals of this approach. According to Dijck et al. (2018), “Individuals can greatly benefit from the transformation because it empowers them to set up businesses, trade goods, and exchange information online.” (p. 1). People have the right to personal development and the achievement of their goals. It is important that society does not limit this right but provides opportunities for self-realization.
Balancing the Attitudes
The decision of which role is best for a person in society can be difficult. However, a balance between these two approaches is possible and crucial. A common goal and community spirit can contribute to the solution of urgent social problems, but it is essential not to forget the rights and interests of individuals. According to Zohar (2022), “Society is a larger system of which we individuals are a part. There is no “me” without “us,” no “mine” without “ours,” no “citizens” without society.” (p. 225). A market mentality can stimulate innovation and economic growth, but it must be ensured that this growth is equitable and does not harm nature.
The modern social problem solution requires a comprehensive approach. People need to join forces to achieve a common goal and maintain the public spirit, but at the same time, do not forget about the rights and interests of individuals. A balance between these two approaches will help ensure the sustainable development of society and provide solutions to society’s complex problems. Individuals are responsible for their development and well-being but are also obligated to society and the environment. Only mutual activity and awareness of the consequences of the actions will help people overcome the challenges of the modern world.
Aquilani, B., Piccarozzi, M., Abbate, T., & Codini, A. (2020). The Role of Open Innovation and Value Co-creation in the Challenging Transition from Industry 4.0 to Society 5.0: Toward a Theoretical Framework. Sustainability, 12(8943), 1-21. Web.
Dijck, J., Poell, T., & Waal, M. (2018). The Platform Society: Public Values in a Connective World. Oxford University Press.
Zohar, D. (2022). Zero Distance. Management in the Quantum Age. Palgrave Macmillan. Web.