Description of “Batman Begins”
In 2005, director Christopher Nolen was successful in reintroducing the apotheosis of Batman to the modern world with his film “Batman Begins” This film depicts the birth of the god-like figure known as Batman. Rather than being a God to be exalted, Batman is a god to be feared by the criminals he hunts. Everything in the film contributes to this sense of a dark god being born. This starts with his birth in the dark cave, considered by prehistoric peoples to be the womb of the Earth Mother, as Bruce Wayne, a small child, falls in among an entire colony of black bats that frighten him terribly. Not long after that, he finds himself in a theater with his parents where the production features great human bat figures again frightening him.
His fear causes his parents to leave the theater early with him, an action that brings him into direct close contact with traumatic death as they are confronted by a mugger and killed. Thus, anger is coupled with fear in the form of the bat within the mind of Bruce Wayne. His subsequent training as a fighter in Asia further details his formation as a demi-god. His return to the city is originally intended to seek his own justice for his own purposes, but, as he discovers the vapor chemical, its effects and its intended use, his goals change. By the end of the film, Batman as apotheosis has emerged, a demi-god dedicated to the defense of the weak and helpless through the terrorization of those who would terrorize.