Beethoven’s and Mozart’s Music Experience Research Paper

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Ludwig van Beethoven’s Für Elise is the masterpiece of Romanticism

Ludwig van Beethoven’s Für Elise was written in 1867. It belongs to the period of Romanticism. It was published in a music collection under the title Clavierstuck in A Mull that was translated as Keyboard Piece in a Minor. This music composition is a bagatelle that means a short piece of music for piano of mellow character. The rhythms of this musical composition are consistent throughout the whole piece. The whole musical piece is in 3/8 time without any contrast in meter. Nevertheless, it does not lack the feeling of motion and drive. Falls and rises may be observed in this melody (Staszak, n.d.). There is no wonder that this musical composition belongs to the period of Romanticism as far as it evokes romantic feelings during its listening. I like this composition but it evokes quite distressing feelings about unrequited love.

Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons is the musical piece of Baroque

Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons is my favorite musical piece as far as I’m fond of the violin play. This set of four violin concerts was composed in 1723. These concertos belong to Baroque music. Its ornamentation throughout music compositions is a peculiar feature of Baroque music. Most compositions are known for their sections of disjunct notes (Jennifer, 2007). These concertos are peculiar for their dynamics that may be sudden or gradual. The texture of each concerto differs from the other depending on the season. The Summer is peculiar for its thunderstorm at the end of the composition while The Winter differs for its pizzicato notes from the high strings that resemble icy rain. Every composition evokes a particular feeling associated with a particular season. Listening to every of these four violin concertos, I feel that every season is beautiful and unique. Although I like The Spring with its cheerful melody that is connected to the process of flowering making the spring so beautiful, other seasons are also beautiful and Vivaldi points out their beauty with the help of his compositions. The mild music of The Spring may be opposed to the tense music of The Summer with its storm.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s The Requiem Mass in D Minor is the peak of classical music

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s The Requiem Mass in D Minor was written in 1791 and was unfinished because of his death. It is considered to be the most enigmatic musical piece belonging to Classical music. There are a lot of controversies and legends surrounding this musical composition. This composition is performed with 2 bassoons, 2 basset horns, 3 trombones including tenor, bass, and alto, violins, viola, 2 trumpets, cello, double bass, and organ. Tenor, bass, contralto, and soprano are the vocal forces observed in this composition. This music makes the listeners think about their life. It is quite complicated to perform as well as to listen to as far as it is necessary to have a certain experience to catch all peculiarities of this musical piece. I like this composition but I think it is quite melancholy and its melody seems to be constant that is quite boring and oppressive to listen to it for a long time. Maybe my conclusions testify to the fact that I am not the prepared listener for such a serious composition. It is considered to be the peak of Mozart’s career and belongs to the great masterpieces of Classical music.


Beethoven, Vivaldi, and Mozart are the greatest composers in the history of music. Their masterpieces differ from each other but all of them are beautiful and evoke different feelings such as joy or grief, composure or disturbance, pain or enjoyment, and others.


Jennifer, G. (2007). Analysis of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons. Web.

Staszak, K. (n.d.). Ludwig Van Beethoven. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, February 1). Beethoven’s and Mozart’s Music Experience.

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"Beethoven’s and Mozart’s Music Experience." IvyPanda, 1 Feb. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Beethoven’s and Mozart’s Music Experience'. 1 February.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Beethoven’s and Mozart’s Music Experience." February 1, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Beethoven’s and Mozart’s Music Experience." February 1, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Beethoven’s and Mozart’s Music Experience." February 1, 2022.

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