Buying an Airline Ticket: Developing a Consumer Behaviour Strategy. Report

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Search for information

Before I could go to buy the airline ticket I had to search for the right information before deciding on the right product and services.

The website

Continental Airlines

The first website to visit was Continental Airlines.In terms of strengths the website was easy to access and very flexible in use. It was swift as I moved from the home page to the page containing vital information for instance travel information and reservations. The tabs leading to this information are very clear. It was very easy to navigate though the webpage’s for instance form the reservations I could quickly navigate to other sections concerning the company like deals and offers. This was very important in terms of preventing unnecessary extra costs and also time as a vital factor was not wasted on the website. This made me like the company and therefore I was tempted to buy their tickets.

I learnt a lot from the website as it provided more resources apart from the air tickets information it has a search engine. I improved my knowledge and scope about airlines plus the products offered and this can be utilized in different situations in my career and life in general. In fact am now more informed and I can advice my relatives or friends on finding the best airline tickets. This attracted me to buy their products with the hope that one day I can be considered if applied for a job vacancy and even had an interest in how the staff treat their customers.

However it is important that as much as enjoyed and benefited from the website I doubted its credibility. This is because had deals that were too good to be true. For instance getting 21,000 bonus miles Therefore for a new person on this website it becomes a bit difficult to believe if they are genuine or they are scams. The website was not providing adequate information required to make bookings for the airline tickets. For instance the available slots and other pieces of information such as lateness and amount of luggage.

Another important weakness about website it lacks objectivity and therefore it end up with information which is outdated. With such a website the attention of the visitor is likely to be compromised. It also lacked information on careers and job opportunities. This made me not interested in buying their tickets.

Frontier Airlines

The second website is called Frontier Airline was very impressive in terms of appearances and outlook. It had a fantastic blue and white colors and it gave a very good impression in my eyes. This went far in terms of satisfying my emotional and rational needs because I personally believe that a good company website should not have dull colours.The website had an elaborate headline tabs in white for contacts, home, specials, flight info, frequent fliers.I really liked the website and even saved the home page. The outlook of the website only attracted me into buying tickets from the company since such a smart company with a smart website will also be associated with excellent products and services.

Secondly the website was of great influence to me because of the way it led me into other resources. I could easily get information about flight schedules from this website and other important resources. A link from the website led me into a list of routes and countries that the company is currently offering services. This improved my knowledge about the various travel arrangements I can make before buying the tickets. For instance the kind of weather I should expect and the type of clothing that would be appropriate. I could also find flights and lots of fun material on this website unlike in the first website.

However this website had two undermining weaknesses. Firstly very few images are found in the website did not impress me at all. I think they are suitable for the old people. They are not images that can suit me. This was very important because it made me think that maybe if I buy the tickets majority of the people I will travel with will not be as young as me. Therefore it greatly influenced my ordering for the tickets. Another weakness with this website concerned the giving only general information to the visitors. Vital information concerning travel arrangement was missing from this website Information concerning cancellation of travel was also not appearing on this website. I had to reconsider my decision to buy their tickets as I feared that incase of an emergency and I decided to cancel the travel I would loose a lot. Besides the procedures for cancellation are not elaborate on the website. This left in my mind some questions unanswered and definitely I could not go a head with the decision to by the tickets. Deighton, J. (1997).

Visit to phone call or other contacts with Frontier Airline Company

A visit to the company was a bit challenging and therefore I resorted to using phone contacts and the sales people to get consumer information concerning their airline tickets.

I made call to the company and lucky enough I got a good salesperson who understood that I lacked knowledge of the information concerning airline tickets and travel arrangement. He therefore took me through a wonderful informative session through the company products in terms of bookings and what the crew members can offer and at what costs. This was very useful to me because I needed to know not only the cost of the air tickets but also how much luggage I am supposed to carry and even what’s on the menu while traveling. Another important strength of this method is that I was firmly assured me that as their client that satisfaction of my needs is their priority number one. He further noted that all the staff are committed towards delivering on my demands. This was significant in letting me know that the company is not only interested in my money but they also value my opinion and therefore work towards satisfying my needs. This therefore came out as strength of using this method only if the salespeople are well trained and objective.

One major weakness of this method of sourcing information about the company is that in another instance the sales person was so quick to sell me the tickets without even caring if I had my needs. This was evident in cases whereby I only asked the cost of the tickets I needed. Lack of information on how the clients are treated plus other pieces of information regarding my travel influenced me not to choose the company simply because I feared being surprised.

Another weakness regarding to the sales people concerns the use of language. The salesperson of Continental airline talked to me in a technical language which I could not understand. He used terms that are used in the airlines which I could not understand and thus he ended up confusing me about the company and the services offered and at what costs. Not getting to know clearly if my needs will be addressed by the staff made me doubt the company if at all it caters for the needs of different people who have different tastes. This therefore negatively affected my decision of not buying tickets from the company. Luo, X. and Donthu, N. (2001).

Use of family or friend

I made phone call to friends and family members seeking their knowledge of Frontier airlines and from their response two strengths of this method came out clearly. First of all I got a genuine response from the family members. One of my family members gave me a very credible answer than the sales representative. This is because he had a personal experience with the company I asked about and he was more than willing to share the information with me. He told me that although the company offers good services the needs of the client are not adequately addressed. This therefore made me change my mind even though I had promised the sales person that I would order for the tickets as soon as possible.

Strength about using a family member is that he knows me better and knows what I value in life.

Therefore he could be the best source of my consumer information before I could buy the airline tickets. I was only waiting for his approval before I could go a head and purchase the tickets. When he spoke questioning the integrity of the staff in the company I had to reconsider the company I had contracted the salesperson and therefore look for a better alternative which could also be prescribed by the family member.

One major demerit associated with this method is that I contacted friends who I though were familiar with the company but to my surprise they lacked knowledge regarding continental airline tickets. They therefore were not very useful in my decision making. This acted a s deterrent since what came into my mind after finding that my friends did not know of a good company or lacked information about the company I asked them, is that I am risking to trust the salesperson. This becomes a discouragement to those who were willing to buy tickets form continental airlines

Most of the people I contacted only new the basic information concerning the airline tickets. They did not know when the booking is done and the requirements. This therefore influenced me a great deal in deciding not to go for a company that none of my friends new much about. This was therefore a weakness of relying on friends to get information prior to purchase of the airline tickets. It discouraged me instead of giving me a motivation to purchase what I wanted from the company.

Use of magazines and Newspaper advertisement

This source seemed to provide credible information about the Frontier airline company I was looking for. This is because the advert was in a national newspaper. The way the information was brought out clearly showed me that it was not a scam but an established and credible company which I could contact so as to buy the airline tickets. This therefore influenced me to an extent in buying their airline tickets simply because I was moved and inspired by their advert. This shows how a newspaper advert can be vital in influencing a consumer’s decision to purchase a commodity. Secondly this method had a strength concerning the fact that advert about Frontier Airlines was very clear and did not confuse me with the technical terms that some of the sales people adopt. This made me have confidence that I have adequate knowledge about the kind of products I was going to purchase. Therefore I can say my purchase of Frontier airlines tickets could be based on clarity of the newspaper advert which cleared doubts off my mind. This shows how the newspapers can be very useful resources for obtaining consumer information prior to purchasing unlike the sales persons who can end up confusing the consumer just for their personal gains.

A major weakness with this method is that the paper advert of continental airlines did not address my rational and emotional needs. I felt that my needs had been left out. The paper does not provide information on how the service provider meets the needs of the clients. The advert is rather focused on addressing the needs of the majority at the expense of individual loyal customers. It therefore follows that if my individual needs will not be me t then I have no business in purchasing the tickets from the company.

Another weakness of newspaper adverts of both continental airlines is that they do not provide links to other resources.

Whatever is provided in the advert is everything. This limits the amount of information since the adverts costs company’s large amount of money and thus they minimize on the number of words. So as to reduce the costs of advertising. This can therefore deter a consumer from purchasing products because the advert does not provide adequate information and other vital resources.

Personally I was not convinced enough by the advert. Therefore I opted for a better alternative which provides adequate resources to address my needs.

Developing a marketing strategy

Main message

I have chosen Frontier Airline Company for which the marketing strategy is to be developed for the 20-25 years old segment which I consider to be good. As for my market segment a new message needs to be formulated.Key primary messages need to be drafted for the new market segment for instance for airline tickets we can introduce tickets for couples or group events at a discount. This is because this segment in most likely to be involved in group activities for example traveling as a couple or group. Some of them are married or engaged and would wish to buy and travel together. A secondary message should also be sent out saying that for the best experience in traveling the best choice remains that particular airline. This is because this specific market segment values so much quality. This would therefore be significant in attracting this segment into buying the airline tickets.

Marketers already exist in my market segment and are doing well but there is still need for some changes. The language used in this market segment should suit them. This market segment is normally enticed when the precise language is used to present whatever message to market the products. The primary message has to be brought out briefly and to the point so as to avoid confusion or monotony because this market segment has a problem with patience.


It is important to choose the best media for sending out the message to the targeted market segment for Frontier Airlines. This must be done after careful consideration of a number of essential factors that are important in determining the most suitable media used by this market segment.

The best media to choose is the one which has entertainment and educational materials.

With this kind of media it is easy to capture the attention of the age group as they look out for various forms of entertainment which include music, movies, stories and many other forms of entertainment. Using websites can easily convey the message because young people are most of the time browsing, sending or receiving electronic mail and in the course of this, links can be provided in appropriate websites to advertise the sale of airline tickets. Young people are also interested in educational materials in books magazines and newspapers therefore such places would be a perfect choice to attract their attention. Once their attention has been captured, it becomes so easy to convince them to purchase the airline tickets. The message used on this media should be simple and efficient in terms of meeting the needs of the market segment.

Corporate website design and features

An ideal website for advertising Frontier airline tickets to the young people in the market should be tailored to satisfy their needs. This website should be flexible in use for instance all the important tabs should be elaborate. It should also have back and forth button to allow easy movement forward and backwards. The words and images used should be able to suit that particular demographic. Avoid using old pictures and try using pictures with young people and the latest events. This market segment is likely to be attracted to latest images as they search for latest music, clips and fashion. The website can provide links to other resources by use of search engines and using tabs which tell the visitor to learn more about a certain issues for instance price flights now. Through such links the relevant information should be provided so that the visitor can get satisfied and make the website more credible. The website should also give specific information about the price of the tickets and the various destination routes. This is important for the purpose of efficient use of the available space for advertising and getting the needs of the consumer addressed by the message on the website. Jedidi, K., Mela, C. and Gupta, S. (1999).

T.V Advertisement

With TV advertisement for Frontier airlines, the message should be presented by someone who is in the same age group so as to quickly capture their attention and make them listen to the message.

The message should be introduced by music which is liked by most of the young people.

Long messages have to be avoided as they create boredom and this category likes things which are exciting. Young people are attracted to things which are unique simple but humorous. This means that the advert must make them laugh and this will help stick the message in their minds.

The messages should be introduced at the appropriate time preferably when they are watching their best programs. Involving images of important personalities like celebrities can go a long way in making the advertisement more credible to this market segment. The association of such personalities makes the youth’s trust such adverts because some of the personalities are mentors or role models to the young people. The message in the advertisement should aim at conveying certain specific information for instance if it is the cost of the air tickets let it come out as a unique price in its own identity. This will help in satisfying the needs of the people.

Magazine advertisements

This type of media is supposed to capture the attention of my family members and friends who influence my buying habits. By utilization of other sectors such as hotels and tourism the advertisement will create links to such resources and this will increase the probability of them meeting the message. With such links it is possible that the advert will get the necessary attention for the targeted people. Attention can also come in such things as promotions where gifts are issued for participants. This will also be useful in making them remember the products that are offered and therefore they can recommend the airline tickets to their friends who include myself.

Simple language that can be understood by the readers plus images of people in my market segment will still create the desired results. (Ambler, T. and Xiucun, W. (2003))


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Luo, X. and Donthu, N. (2001). “Benchmarking advertising efficiency”. Journal of Advertising Research, 41 (6): 7-18.

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IvyPanda. (2021, September 27). Buying an Airline Ticket: Developing a Consumer Behaviour Strategy.

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"Buying an Airline Ticket: Developing a Consumer Behaviour Strategy." IvyPanda, 27 Sept. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Buying an Airline Ticket: Developing a Consumer Behaviour Strategy'. 27 September.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Buying an Airline Ticket: Developing a Consumer Behaviour Strategy." September 27, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Buying an Airline Ticket: Developing a Consumer Behaviour Strategy." September 27, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Buying an Airline Ticket: Developing a Consumer Behaviour Strategy." September 27, 2021.

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