Contemporary Management Issues in the 21st Century Essay

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The ongoing coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) has compelled companies to engage in continuous research and development (R&D) to identify new ways of benefiting from existing technologies. Some of the emerging trends include remote working programs, online learning and the use of drones. These developments have transformed business models and intended goals. Organizational leaders need to audit their companies continuously, identify emerging opportunities and consider superior approaches that can eventually deliver sustainable results. This paper describes the major issues and strategies that companies need to consider if they are to achieve their business goals.

Information and Communication Technology

The last decade has presented numerous changes whereby corporations are embracing the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to transform organizational performance. Leaders need to acquire superior technologies and computer systems for their employees if they are to work remotely. The relevant departments should work continuously to identify existing barriers to ICT, such as reduced understanding of such systems and poor implementation models (Oni and Koko, 2020). When these strategies are done efficiently, ICT will play a significant role in guiding the top management to coordinate workforces, offer timely support and ensure that desirable outcomes are eventually recorded. ICT plays numerous roles in the management of organizational workforces (Bigi et al., 2018). For instance, the involved department examines the working environments and the demands of the employees (Zhou and Kan, 2021). This knowledge guides the relevant leaders to acquire the right systems, liaise with the HR department to coordinate training and guide workers to use them efficiently (Agnihotri and Bhattacharya, 2022). The adoption of ICT allows different units to identify and complete their roles more effectively.

Proper change mechanisms are usually needed when implementing new technologies in different workplaces. The technology acceptance model (TAM) emerges as a powerful theory that would support such a transformation and encourage the users to accept them (Al-Habaibeh et al., 2021). The theory of reasoned action (TRA) is capable of guiding managers to identify the acceptability of ICT among workers in the past and how they would be willing to be involved in the future (Uslu, 2019). This understanding would result in superior action plans and ICT frameworks for maximizing performance (Lee and Tipoe, 2021). With proper management of workforces, leaders would plan activities more efficiently, solve emerging challenges and help deliver results much faster (Vyas and Butakhieo, 2020). The organization relying on ICT will eventually become more sustainable and achieve its business goals (Andersen, 2018). Failure to embrace ICT for managing workforces could have negative impacts on the overall success of workforces, thereby discouraging more clients from doing business with the organization.

Existing Policies

The studied case study presented a number of issues and strengths that were guiding the organization to achieve its goals. Several policies exist that resonate with the transformations triggered by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic (Wu, Chen and Chan, 2020). First, the company requires that the HR department liaises with the accounting function to acquire additional funds for talent acquisition (Islami, Mustafa and Latkovikj, 2020). Specifically, the HR manager identifies emerging positions and engages in recruitment drives aimed at presenting individuals with the needed skills (Knabenreich, 2021). The company has also included a unique program that allows students in some of the leading universities and colleges to learn more about the available job opportunities (Jacks, 2021). This approach remains critical in supporting the process of talent acquisition and ensuring that the company achieves its future goals.

Similarly, the HR department liaises with other managers to promote learning and development. Individuals receive timely training on emerging technologies and computer systems that are capable of supporting the completion of various tasks (Junnaid, Miralam and Jeet, 2020). Teams have been established whereby workers support each other, identify new ways of improving performance and solve emerging challenges (Gupta and Bisht, 2020). The policies in place compel those in senior positions to acquire the relevant resources and technologies to support learning and development (Northouse, 2018). Additionally, the leaders in different departments are required to apply various change theories to implement new managerial changes (Vaitkūnaitė, Beniušis and Jurčys, 2021). Such transformations have focused on work arrangements and technological acquisitions that have the potential to support continuous performance (Warrick, 2017). The involved professionals collaborate whenever implementing change to ensure that desired outcomes are realized while reducing the overall level of resistance (Al Badi, 2018). These attributes have played a unique role in helping the company compete successfully in the current COVID-19 environment that has remained extremely competitive.

Role of Leaders

Different schools of leadership offer concrete ideas for guiding managers to implement new changes and guide their companies to remain sustainable. Uslu (2019) identifies transformational leadership as an effective theory that allows those in senior positions to remain progressive and ideas additional resources for their followers. This model is capable of allowing leaders to engage their workers, identify key gaps in the adoption of emerging technologies and design better workforces (Al Badi, 2018. Behavioral theory encourages managers to behave positively, be involved in decision-making and propose superior strategies for delivering results (Nayak, 2017). The school of thought would ensure that followers copy such traits and eventually complete their tasks diligently. Contingency theory remains instrumental since it allows companies to select professionals who possess specific traits that can be utilized to guide followers when pursuing a specific initiative (Nayak, 2017). With such competencies, the involved leaders would find it easier to steer their teams and focus on the anticipated business aims.

Emerging theories go further to encourage leaders to identify change approaches for engaging their followers and preparing them for new initiatives. During the COVID-19 era, managers need to apply the best models for educating workers about the need for better working arrangements and strategies. They can also use their skills to introduce additional resources and support systems that can support change and help deliver relevant outcomes (Osborne and Hammoud, 2017). As a leader, it is appropriate to solve any form of resistance, present enabling environments and consider evidence-based transforms in accordance with the established business model (Hussain et al., 2018). With proper leadership, workers will be more engaging and willing to make timely decisions, solve problems and make the presented new initiatives more sustainable. The possible outcome is that more employees would be involved and eventually make the company successful.


COVID-19 has triggered a new normal whereby the old way of completing tasks and pursuing business aims is no longer sustainable. The studied organization needs to adopt additional strategies if it is to thrive and compete in its sector (Tran, 2017). The first recommendation is to embrace the power of ICT and acquire the relevant systems that can increase workers’ productivity (Tanno and Banner, 2018). This development means that the company will align such technologies with the needs in the market and consider the best ways to maximize customers’ experiences. The second recommendation is for the company to introduce better working arrangements whereby the stakeholders will be empowered and ready to remain involved (Black and La Venture, 2017). For instance, a hybrid system can allow some workers to operate from home while others from their respective offices (Mansaray, 2019). Proper and timely adjustments could be supported depending on the short-term and long-term

The third aspect for this organization to consider is the introduction of additional training programs to equip workers with additional competencies. Such skills could be informed by the need for new technologies and the desire to support additional COVID-19 prevention protocols (Al-Dmour, Nweiran and Al-Dmour, 2017). The involvement of all key stakeholders will support the successful implementation of the proposed initiative (Carpenter et al., 2018). Finally, a new change would be necessary to align all the other recommendations with the demands of both the workers and the employees (Donthu and Gustafsson, 2020). When done properly, het level of resistance would decline and eventually make this organization competitive in its industry (Shala et al., 2021). The use of an effective change theory is essential to make the process seamless and allow the company to overcome most of the predicaments associated with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.


The completed discussion has examined most of the challenges associated with the ongoing COVID-19. The studied company needs to identify the possible benefits of ICT and apply various theories to acquire the right resources. Changing the workforce, supporting the relevant departments and empowering individual workers are some of the evidence-based approaches available for this company to remain competitive in this new era. The support of all key stakeholders and the provision of proper leadership strategies will make it easier for the organisation to remain sustainable amidst the issues associated with COVID-19.

Reference List

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