Data collection is a critical and sensitive aspect that requires some technical skills to allow for success in the process. It entails the practice of preparing and collecting information related to a certain point for different purposes, for instance, to carry out a specific project or to improve an already ongoing process.
Data collection is intended to get relevant information that is used in making decisions and conclusions regarding a specific topic of study (Sekaran, 2003). This piece of work looks at the aspect of data collection with much emphasis being given to the possible issues and biases from the sampling data provided in the Major League Baseball Data Set assignment.
From the Major League Baseball Data Set assignment, I will look at some data collection elements, for instance, the population from which the sample was obtained, the appropriateness of the sample size as well as the possible bias or error that could occur when sampling in terms of validity and reliability.
Data collection ought to be very objective for there to be informative and relevant data. Objectivity is however undermined by the human nature of biases. Sampling is usually a good data collection method but only when used effectively. To achieve a high degree of objectiveness, the sample should be as representative of the total population as possible.
Regarding this particular assignment, it is evident that the researcher followed an appropriate method that is systematic and hence has a high probability of yielding relevant data that could help in the determination of the salary that should be earned by players in the Major League Baseball team (Burns, 2000).
The fact that the total population of the players in the Major League Baseball is relatively large made the researcher choose the sampling method to determine the salary that a player should earn. The population is appropriate because in getting what the players in Major League Baseball should earn as salary, it will help in the determination of an estimate of what a player in any team ought to make and the factors that determine the pay, for instance, the state’s involvement in the sport and the fans involved.
Regarding the sample size, it is evident that it is fully representative. According to current statistics, the Major League Baseball has a total of about 30 teams each with an approximate figure of 25 players. The total players, therefore, add up to 750 players. Taking a sample of 380 players is therefore representative enough since it approximately 50.7% of the total population (Rader, 2008).
In as much as objectivity would be aimed at in the research, there still could be possible chances of biases or error in the event of sampling and analyzing the collected data to come up with a conclusion. For instance, in the process of result examination, there could be some personal biases in the determination of the data that should be considered to be irrelevant and trimmed, and that to be retained.
Some error could also occur in the comparison of information obtained from the different research variables. It is evident that the process of data collection should be handled with a lot of care since it determines the results or conclusion made regarding a certain issue.
Reference List
Burns, R. B. (2000). Introduction to Research Methods. London: Sage.
Rader, G. B. (2008). Baseball: A History of America’s Game. 3rd ed. USA: University of Illinois Press.
Sekaran, U. (2003). Research Methods for Business: A Skill-Building Approach (4th ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.