The stories A Good Man is Hard to Find and Good Country People by Flannery O’Conner are represented through the point of view, dialogue, and setting, which help explain the theme of pretense in people. The study of how literary elements are reflected in representing such vital topics as pretense, violence, and religion provides a better understanding of the works selected for this study.
How Literary Elements Support the Theme
Hence, by creating the most intense environment, the author implements the concept of how a certain degree of pretense can exist in every person. This characteristic is shown in both stories, and A Good Man is Hard to Find and Good Country People. For example, in the first story, the grandmother criticizes African Americans by stating, Oh look at the cute little pickaninny! And pointed at a Negro child, “Wouldn’t that make a picture now?” (O’Conner “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” 119).
In the story Good Country People, the character selling bibles has everyone persuaded by his charm. Towards the end of the story, he unmasks himself by saying, “I may sell bibles, but I know which end is up, and wasn’t born yesterday, and I know where I am going” (O’Conner “Good County People” 288). Therefore, in a particular environment created by the author, the true nature of the characters is revealed.
A special place in the works of Flannery O’Connor has such a literary element as dialogue. With this aspect, the author shows the real nature of the characters. Hence, in A Good Man is Hard to Find, the prisoner admits that he once was close to the church, but it did not change him. The grandmother begged Jesus to save her, but it did not help. In Good County People, the bible salesman turns out to be evil himself, “I hope you don’t think I believe in that crap!” after Hulga confronts him about being the perfect Christian (O’ Conner 290). Thus, through communication with other characters, the author shows how the idea of a person and his values, including religious ones, can be deceptive.
Point of View
Through such a literary element as point of view, the author allows readers to understand the stories’ characters better. This aspect involves providing a narrative through a third-person lens. Thus, the reader becomes an observer of both the stories of Good County People and A Good Man is Hard to Find.
In addition to paying attention to the personalities and moral values of the characters, the point of view also contributes to finding a full picture of the reasons why the characters make certain decisions. This aspect concerns the murder of a grandmother in A Good Man is Hard to Find and the pretentious manners of the bible salesman in Good County People (O’Conner “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” 250). Regarding violence, readers can be aware of its detrimental and destructive effect on individuals and how it can contribute to their personalities.
The characters in the stories by Flannery O’Connor, titled A Good Man is Hard to Find and Good Country People, are pretentious people who always have a mask on, which is shown through the use of literary elements. It upfront shows others kindness and religiousness when, on the other side, they are critical and pretentious. Both the stories also have violence in them that blindsided the main characters. Such literary elements as characterization, setting, and dialogue will contribute to the full disclosure of these concepts in literary works.
Works Cited
O’Connor, Flannery. A Good Man is Hard to Find. Faber & Faber, 2016.
—. “Good County People.” The Complete Stories, McClelland & Stewart, 2019, pp. 271-292.