Forks Over Knives is a 2011 documentary that examines the effect of diet on various diseases, such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. The film addresses the current health crisis in America and argues that most conditions that cause increased healthcare expenditures, impaired life quality, and even mortality are due to the Western diet. According to the authors, the Western menu includes a lot of processed foods and animal-based protein, which affects people’s bodies and causes pathologic changes.
The central message delivered in the film is that people can avoid or even cure many diseases by following a plant-based diet. The documentary provides valuable insight into the effect of food on people’s health, which complements the knowledge gained throughout the course. For instance, the film contributes to the discussion of healthy cooking and salads, as it advocates that healthier meals are the ones that contain no animal-based products or processed foods.
Forks Over Knives had a significant impact on many Americans, inspiring them to eat a healthier diet and refrain from meat, eggs, and dairy products. Therefore, the film adds to the current trends in healthy eating, vegetarian, and vegan diets, which all have an impact on the industry. As the number of people following such diet schemes grows, more and more companies will be driven to attract customers by offering healthier, plant-based meals, special menus, and dietary options.
The trend also affects the demand for specific foods, including whole grains and vegetables, as well as the need for professionals who can prepare meals following the suggestions provided in the film. Overall, Forks Over Knives is an important documentary that contributes to the trend of healthy eating in America, thus affecting the food industry.
Work Cited
Forks Over Knives. Directed by Lee Fulkerson, performances by T. Colin Campbell, Caldwell Esselstyn, John A. McDougall, and Neal D. Barnard, Monica Beach Media, 2011.