The article discusses the search for the “perfect “swing” in golf. Even though sometimes people say that there is one swing that is ideal, it cannot be true because all people are different. There are individual differences, such as the physiological qualities of a person. These are their physical dimensions, fitness level and skill set that is used to play the game. The psychological factors depend on the mood and emotional make-up of a person. If someone is nervous or anxious this will in turn affect the game. The surrounding conditions are another part of the unique swings. The audience, surrounding climate and physical qualities of the world all make each swing different.
These are very significant points and facts that describe the reality of the game. It would be practically impossible to develop a technique or a swing that can be used by all players in the same way. The point that golf and other sports are entertaining to watch is due to the fact that everyone has their own original style and teqnique of playing the game. The best way to think of the swing is judging by the personal characteristics and abilities of the player. Coaches should not forget that there is no specific frame work that can be forced onto the player because some things will be impossible to simulate or repeat.
The application of individualized treatment in other instances in life is critical. Every individual has their specific character and must be treated accordingly. When raising children, it is clear that everyone has a unique personality and some reinforcement or punishment that works for one child will not be adequately attributable to another. Someone might be more responsive to a strict discipline where forbidding a certain action is most effective. In other cases, a detailed explanation and a session of question and answer will be most useful. To others, comfort and sensitivity are more important than everything else. Each personality must be adjusted to and this will lead to the best outcome.