In his book Immigration and Ethnic Relations in the U.S. (Revised Edition), Takeyuki Tsuda addresses the issues that are rife with dramatic levels of immigration from Latin American and other countries to the United States. The author argues that the unexampled rates of immigration to the country have become responsible for the change of the entire face of the nation (Tsuda 95). He makes special stress on the profound transformation of the system of ethnic and race relations. The other course reading, “Lecture 22. Hispanic/ Latino Americans”, also enlarges the theme of immigration into the United States, but it is mainly concentrated on the question of Latin Americans’ assimilation into the country. In the following paper, the two above-mentioned readings will be summarized and evaluated with the purpose of providing a reflection on the offered information.
The book Immigration and Ethnic Relations in the U.S. (Revised Edition) speaks on the theme of reshaping the face of the United States during the period of the past few decades. The book presents a series of introductory essays into the matters related to US immigration. Among the central points, discussed in the book, are the reasons for immigration; the consequences of immigration for the social, economical, and political situation in the United States; and the issues that emerge on the reason for a dramatic increase in immigration rates such as racial discrimination, the formation of a new American-immigrant identity, the problems of assimilation, and the possibility of acquiring US citizenship by refugees and immigrants. In addition, the book provides a historical outlook on the immigration events in the United States beginning from bringing Africans and ending with the modern-day immigration of Latin American and Asian populations. Besides, another important feature of the book is a close examination of the ethnic diversity situation in the United States. In particular, it explains how Latin Americans, Asian Americans, White Americans, and African Americans play their part in the formation of modern American society.
Reflecting on the value of Tsuda’s book for expanding the scope of knowledge regarding the issues, related to US immigration, it should be stated that it is significant. First of all, the book provides much insight into the issues that are raised by active immigration into the country. Moreover, it not only explains the causatives of problems connected with immigration but also offers a variety of effective solutions that could be implemented to improve the state of affairs. Besides, it is important to stress the value of this book for a better understanding of the modern social face of the United States, and especially, the matters that are related to the process of assimilation.
“Lecture 22. Hispanic/ Latino Americans” presents a detailed, but the laconic outlook of the theme of Latino Americans’ assimilation in the United States. It shows the exact areas, where this ethnic group managed to occupy their firm positions in American society (“Lecture 22” 2, 3). The value of this course reading is in explaining the modern ethnic identity of Latino Americans, showing their success in the process of assimilation, and making a prognosis regarding their future in the United States (“Lecture 22” 8-12).
In conclusion, the two-course readings under consideration can be evaluated as offering reliable and detailed information regarding important matters, connected with the process of immigration in the United States.
“Lecture 22. Hispanic/ Latino Americans”. Course Readings (2012): 1-12. Print.
Tsuda, Takeyuki. Immigration and Ethnic Relations in the U.S. (Revised Edition), San Diego: Cognella Academic Publishing, 2013. Print.