The enrolment to the college or university makes a former school pupil enter an unknown institution and face various challenges. One should learn how to meet all specific requirements, find motivation for studying, manage time properly, and successfully integrate into a new community. Reaching all of these goals might be possible after gaining own unique experience but making lessons from somebodys practise is a hallmark of a clever person. The most actual and useful tips for succeeding at university would help to develop a winning strategy of studying like a top student.
A Strong Motivation is a Solid Foundation
First of all, any success takes its beginning from a strong motivation. This power makes a student work hard even in challenging conditions. According to Smale and Fowlie , “identifying what you want to achieve and why at the start of the course is important, because there will always be days when you wonder what you are doing it all for” (18). Indeed, every student had to ask himself whether his further education is worth of all those nerves and sleepless nights but only those who have firm goals manage to proceed. For example, getting a diploma as a paper required for the future employment is not enough. One should aspire to broaden his horizons and get the best qualification possible to become a valuable specialist because education is all about acquiring useful knowledge confirmed with a degree.
Meeting the Challenges of a Students Life
Since the very first lecture every rookie tries to accustom to new conditions, requirements, and activities typical for a students life. He meets writing which is a nightmare for numerous generations of students. In fact, every student will sooner or later get used to writing out piles of copybooks, but this will bring him more pain than pleasure. Developing the proper writing technique is the best possible solution for writing haters. Solomon claims that every student should be aware of writing as the way of pulling ahead both in university and life (Solomon 11). Indeed, it is easier to prepare oneself for the exam with a skillfully highlighted and abbreviated important data in your own copybook than to search for all necessary information in endless volumes. Writing is an exhausting activity, but once you have forced yourself to do it, you will become mentally stronger and hard-working.
One of the most important students rules by Dopp and Parish expresses the idea of doing everything as your professor asks (Dopp and Parish 930). Newport shares this idea and calls professors as “the gatekeepers to student success” (22). Of course, we live in a democratic society and creativity will always be appreciated but on many occasions, your lecturer is the only man responsible for your note and sometimes the difference between the perfect and the unsatisfactory answer lies in meeting his requirements. A top student is the one who knows how to find a balance between expressing his individuality and satisfying a rigorous tutor.
Exams have always been characterized by any student as the period of the highest tension. Nevertheless, the awareness of some easy tips is the key to passing any exam with flying colors. First of all, one should manage his time the right way to succeed during the exam. It means that a top student sleeps enough to get energy for revising all the material and never begins his preparation on a day before the exam. Klassen and Dwyer add that it is better not to use tablets while searching for the information in order to avoid the temptation to multi-task and save your time (Klassen and Dwyer 32).
Integrating into the Students Community
Finally, no one is capable of surviving at college or university being alien. The one who feels himself a part of the students community always has a solid defense against stress and necessary assistance in unpleasant situations. Nevertheless, the skill of choosing the right surrounding is vitally important because we are what our friends are. Communication with people who engage in health-enhancing activities will make you act the same way (Halonen and Santrock 382), which means you will not have to struggle with your newly acquired pernicious habits to get down into some serious work.
To sum up, one does not have to be a genius to succeed at college or university. The easiest top students strategy includes a strong motivation, meeting professors requirements, a proper time management, and a positive, healthy surrounding.
Works Cited
Dopp, Austin, and Thomas S. Parish. “The ABC’s of How to Succeed in College.” College Student Journal 41.4 (2007): 930-31. Print.
Halonen, Jane S., and John W. Santrock. Your Guide to College Success: Strategies for Achieving Your Goals. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2013. Print.
Klassen, Thomas Richard, and John Alfred Dwyer. How to Succeed at University (and Get a Great Job!): Mastering the Critical Skills You Need for School, Work, and Life. Vancouver: UBC ON CAMPUS, 2015. Print.
Newport, Cal. How to Win at College: Simple Rules for Success from Star Students. New York: Broadway, 2005. Print.
Smale, Bob, and Julie Fowlie. How to Succeed at University: An Essential Guide to Academic Skills, Personal Development and Employability. London: SAGE Publications, 2015. Print.
Solomon, Greta. Just Write It!: How to Develop Top-Class University Writing Skills. Maidenhead, England: Open UP, 2013. Print.