My family and I live in Canada, more specifically in Laval, Quebec. However, my ancestors come from Haiti, which is a state located in North America. Officially, it is referred to as the Republic of Haiti, and the population of this country is approximately ten million people (Where is Haiti located?). I have been living in Canada since childhood, but my parents have lived the majority of their life in Haiti. Moreover, most of my family, including uncles, aunts, and siblings, are still in Haiti. Picture 1 is a map that shows the location of Haiti, where one can see that it is a small state surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. In addition, it shares a border with the Dominican Republic. The island where the two countries are situated is titled “Hispaniola.”

My family migrated from Haiti when I was six years old because of a work opportunity. We arrived at the country of residence by a commercial flight. However, I know many Haitian Canadians who migrated to Quebec and Laval in particular, and many of their families resettled in the 1960s and 1970s, trying to escape the dictatorship of Duvalier. They used different means of transport and traveled using boats or had to ride through several countries before getting to Canada.
Taking history and geography into account, I would suggest that my family migrated because there are more opportunities in Canada, especially in terms of the state’s economic development. Historically, Haiti has been a part of the Spanish Empire for a lengthy period until the 17th century. However, French colonists managed to occupy Haiti, which had a significant impact on the state. For example, most people speak French or Creole, which is a language based on French.
My parents still practice some traditions and customs of our ancestors. For example, we celebrate Ancestry Day and Dessalines Day. The former is a way of remembering loved ones and deceased family members. The latter is a national holiday in Haiti. It is linked to the death of Jean-Jacques Dessalines, who is considered to be one of Haiti’s founding fathers. However, the majority of our family traditions are not different from those of other Canadians, mainly because our family is Christian, and many traditions are linked to this religion. Overall, the exploration of the family tree and family history allowed one to sum up some of the critical facts about Haiti and immigration.
Work Cited
“Where is Haiti Located? Location Map of Haiti”. Mapsofworld, Web.