Jute is a fiber material made from the jute plant. This material is widespread mainly because such a plant forms the basis of the production of sacks and ropes worldwide. Not the best territories that have a sufficiently large market are concentrated in Egypt and Bangladesh. These two countries have many exports of such material, and since this plant is one of the essential fibers, transportation is widespread.
However, Bangladesh has the most stable and largest export of jute compared to Egypt; this country’s transportation exceeds China’s plant vehicles (Sharna & Kamruzzaman, 2020). That is because the government sells enough at low prices, but the quality of the plants is not good. Importantly, trade primarily focuses on bringing everything in at the state level. In particular, many companies created, unlike the state, could provide high-quality jute and successfully sell it at a reasonable price, sometimes higher than what the state sold (Debnath, 2017). Over the past 20 years, the trend of jute for sales and export has been increasing.
Egypt’s trade is partly smaller and more successful than that of Bangladesh. In 2021, export activities were much less than in 2013. This year, successful growth and development of exports were noticeable. In particular, this was due to the excellent yield and high-quality processing of such a plant (“Egypt: the market for jute and jute-like fibers 2022”, 2020). However, from 2014 to 2021, this trend decreased significantly, so there was no increase in exports. That can be traced not only by the amount received by the state but also by how many tons were sold to other countries.
Jute became the main export in Bangladesh and Egypt, which allowed the countries to earn well. This type of plant is prevalent because it is essential worldwide, particularly in the countries that transport it. You can also see statistics on the history of trade and sales in Egypt and Bangladesh. It is also important to emphasize that, as in Bangladesh, many private companies take over the sale of jute and are somewhat better than the government.
Debnath, S. (2017). Sustainability in Jute-based Industries. In Sustainability in the Textile Industry (pp. 139-147). Springer, Singapore.
Egypt: market for jute and jute-like fibers 2022 (2020). IndexBox. Web.
Sharna, S. C., & Kamruzzaman, M. (2020). Comparative advantages of jute export in Bangladesh, China and India. Research in Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries, 7(2), 183-190. Web.