Management practices at Dirt Finder Professional Vacuum Cleaner Company Case Study

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For a business organization to be successful, it is important to have a clear description of all the job levels and ensure that all of the employees who are recruited have the skills that are requisite to perform the given job.

With this in mind, situations such as the one facing Dirt Finder could have been avoided with the right human resource management procedures and instituting decisions to address the same from the very beginning.

Importance of job analysis, job design and written job descriptions

From the management point of view, restructuring Dirt Finder Professional Vacuum Cleaner Company requires an in-depth analysis of three main management principles which include Job Analysis, Job design and written job description (Campion & Thayer, 2001).

Job analysis is a clear manner of defining the specific job role, what the job entails, entry requirements and the kind of duties expected of each employee for the position. In using this tool for the Human management decisions, it is easy to determine the required education level, skills and training for the particular position.

It also helps to determine the effectiveness of the position towards realizing the organizational goals, As the managers conduct job analysis, they are able to analyze the resources and effectively put down sound policies towards achieving the organizational goals.

It equally forms the bench mark for analyzing demand and supply, recruiting new employees, looking at enhancing employees’ performance and increasing the capacity of their skills (Garry, 2000).

In view of the factors outlined above Dirt Finder Professional Vacuum Cleaner Company could at the earlier stages, have looked into the possibilities of instituting Job Description due to the profound advantages that it brings to an organization. Job descriptions serve as legal and also practical functions.

From a legal point of view, job descriptions would have helped the company in complying with various laws as it provides a critical basis for job evaluation, comparing wages and fair salary structure.

From the practical angle, it assists the job holder to understand the duties and responsibilities expected of him while in the organization and what duties and responsibilities he/she is expected to perform while articulating these duties into the general organization’s goal matrix.

Job Study Areas

Job design is of value to the organization and operation managers. As there are various design alternatives that the company could adopt, it is also worth noting that the specific design process chosen affects organizations in different ways.

The performance objectives that job designs are tailored to meet include, affecting the ability of individual staff members to produce quality job, achieving speed response to situations in the organization and creating a good reliable system in the supply of goods and services.

Others entail the ability of the organization to change its working principles to the dynamics of the changing environment and to a larger extent ensuring fair division of labor such that every employee specializes in the activity that will guarantee success to the organization while ensuring high level of work satisfaction to the individual (Campion & Thayer, 2001).

In a more precise manner, the success of the project will be dependent on the analysis of what is involved at each stage of the three highlighted job study areas.

Job analysis relates to analyzing the job responsibilities, qualifications and skills required at each position. It can be further put into three main components i.e. job position, job description and job worth, as is diagrammatically represented as below:

Job Analysis diagram.

Job position is the specific job for each employee in the company. It helps to define the compensation strategy for the company. For example, Dirt Finder Company could have used this model to determine the payment strategy for managerial staff and line employees.

Job description entails the key skills required, level of education among other requirements, with roles and responsibilities for each position clearly defined it is possible to set out performance criteria for each position in an organization.

Job worth is also referred to as job evaluation. It helps to determine how much the position assists in achieving the organization’s goals and in knowing the results from a particular job level. In carrying out the organization human resource management strategies and decisions, it would therefore be very necessary to conduct regular evaluation of job analysis at predetermined intervals.

In the process of developing a comprehensive job description, the following issues should be addressed clearly; a job title that states clearly the job position, salary range for the position stating clearly the starting salary and even the highest possible attainable pay for the position.

It should also make provisions for additional compensations and include a broad clear concise statement that provides comprehensive information on the main purpose of the position.

This segment also includes data relating to job description that puts in a chronological manner, the duties and tasks that the candidate is expected to perform at the specific position with most important duties appearing first in the list.

It should also include a supervisory flow and the reporting matrix of all employees in the organization, the on job skills and experience expected of an individual in order to be a holder of this position. Finally, it should clearly outline the job location and the hours of work one is expected to be on job (Michael, 2007).

The job design process as had been previously stated provides a number of benefits to the organization and should never be overlooked.

For this reason therefore, a comprehensive job design takes into consideration the major decisions during the design process, the human resource management unit should provide a clear correlation on how the job design influences the work objectives.

At every stage, there should be a clear description on the major principles that will affect the design and provide a comparison between the different designs on basis of organizational control and efficiency (Campion & Thayer, 2001).

According to Campion & Thayer, (2001), the management of Dirt Finder did not know to a large extent the job expectations of their employees and therefore it was a bit difficult to put up operations with only a staff of 65 against an earlier number of 200.

The hiring managers should know the specific management style applicable in each organizational situation; the manager should also understand the dynamics of the organization in terms of the organization’s requirements and employees’ areas of specialization.

It will also be necessary to maintain an accurate and up to date record of the job description procedures as these assist in compliance with the established Labor Standards Act.

These descriptions provide a framework for determining the qualification of disability candidates for the position as well as the requirements for any special accommodation to enable the employee to carry out his/her duties on the job (Americans with Disability Act) ADA Analysis (Kleiman, 2000).


A successful project depends on the ability of the management to hire the right people and set out terms for the employees; job descriptions should be part of reviewing the performance and the employees should be given an opportunity to participate in such decisions through a feedback system.

With the implementation of such strategies, the management of Dirt Finder will be in a position to develop successful management practices.


Campion, M. A., and Thayer, P.W. (2001). Job design: approaches, outcomes & tradeoffs. Web.

Garry, D. (2000). Human Resource Management 10th Ed. USA: Prentice Hall.

Kleiman, L. S. (2000). Human Resource Management: A Tool for Competitive Advantage. South-Western College Publishing: Cincinnati.

Michael A. (2007). A Handbook for Human Resource Management Practice, 10th Ed. Kogan Page press: London.

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IvyPanda. (2019, March 29). Management practices at Dirt Finder Professional Vacuum Cleaner Company.

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"Management practices at Dirt Finder Professional Vacuum Cleaner Company." IvyPanda, 29 Mar. 2019,


IvyPanda. (2019) 'Management practices at Dirt Finder Professional Vacuum Cleaner Company'. 29 March.


IvyPanda. 2019. "Management practices at Dirt Finder Professional Vacuum Cleaner Company." March 29, 2019.

1. IvyPanda. "Management practices at Dirt Finder Professional Vacuum Cleaner Company." March 29, 2019.


IvyPanda. "Management practices at Dirt Finder Professional Vacuum Cleaner Company." March 29, 2019.

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