Technology has allowed humanity to make their lives more comfortable, necessitating less effort in many tasks. In this sense, each sector has certain developments that make the job easier, and among such lucky people are performers. In this sense, the musical industry has reaped many benefits from the introduction of microphones, live streams on different platforms, and electronic musical instruments. Consequently, with minimal efforts from recording companies and performers, such technological advances allow the audience to hear a more refined sound accompanied by different rhythms and tones in comparison to the previous millennia.
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When it comes to the first beneficial technological advance, microphones, it has influenced the creation and presentation of music performances and benefited both the audience and the singers. It is an evident fact that microphones serve as tools that intensify the sound and make it louder, helping it reach more extensive distances. In this sense, microphones allow the performers to care for their vocal cords since there is no need for them to sing louder. In a similar sense, the presentation of the performance is more appealing and pleasant since the audience will be able to hear the songs.
Another way in which the performance and creation of the musical piece are more effortless is with the help of pre-recording processes. Most performers have studios where they can record either the entire piece or only parts, such as scores of the performance that could be utilized later. This way, the performers can access the recording before the event and see whether it needs refining at specific points or whether it needs to be redone completely. Such an approach with recording technology minimizes the risks of failures and enhances the quality of music and performances.
Furthermore, musicians now can use advanced musical instruments that provide access to more sounds that can be recorded. Such instruments already have sample sounds that can be utilized during the creation of the piece and the performance. Moreover, the instruments can combine several techniques, such as a piano keyboard along with synthesizer sounds. This makes the music more diverse and intense. Additionally, not only traditional instruments like the piano can be technologically modified, but older instruments, like pipe organs. This might eliminate the need for additional people required for the performance.
Lastly, with the help of live stream platforms, it is easier to show and access the performances. Live streaming services can concentrate on better angles of the performance. Moreover, the displays on stage and lights can be used to magnify any details of the performance. In this sense, the presentation of the show can be more pleasing and bring more emotions from the audience due to devices and technological tools, bringing better illumination and visibility.
Hence, compared to preceding millennia, modern technical advancements allow the audience to hear a more sophisticated sound accompanied by diverse rhythms and tones with less effort from recording firms and singers. Firstly, microphones are devices that amplify sound so that it travels farther distances. Pre-recording techniques are another option to make the process of creating and performing the musical composition easier. Additionally, musicians may now employ sophisticated instruments that provide them access to additional sounds that can be recorded. Finally, it is simpler to display and access the performances with the aid of live streaming services.